Test your health IQ: What won't antibiotics cure?
Question: Which types of childhood illnesses can't be treated with antibiotics?
问题: 哪些儿童疾病用抗生素治不好?
a. Severe colds, flu, and other viruses/严重感冒、流感,以及其它病毒感染
b. Ear, sinus, and other bacterial infections/耳朵发炎、鼻窦炎,以及其它细菌感染
c. Both types of illnesses/以上类型用抗生素都治不好
Answer: A
答案: A
Colds, flu, and ailments such as fifth disease are caused by viruses — against which antibiotics are absolutely powerless. So pressing your baby's doctor for antibiotics when he has a cold or the flu — even a terrible one that's making him miserable — will do nothing to cure him (only time and plenty of rest will accomplish that). Antibiotics won't help him feel better, either, or keep him from passing on the illness.
感冒、流感和传染性红斑等疾病都是由病毒引起的,而抗生素对这些病毒完全无能为力。所以,当你的宝宝得了感冒或流感时(哪怕是一场把宝宝折磨得可怜兮兮的流感),强迫医生开抗生素治不好他(只有充足的休息和足够久的时间才能治愈他)。抗生素既不能让他感觉好点儿,也不能防止他传染疾病给别人 。
What antibiotics can help vanquish are bacteria, the culprit behind ear infections and sinusitis, although doctors are increasingly taking a wait-and-see attitude before prescribing antibiotics for even some of these illnesses.
Learn more about why antibiotics are useless against viruses — and how overuse of these drugs could harm your child's health.
See which nine medicines you should never give your baby.