The power of "no" - 说“

作者: 吴和平vip | 来源:发表于2019-05-08 07:05 被阅读31次

Your 31-month-old: The power of "no"


Find out why your child's favorite word is "no."


IN THIS ARTICLE/在这篇文章中我们将讨论: 

Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多的孩子的现状

Your life now / 你的人生现状


Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多的孩子的现状

Of all the words your child is picking up this year, it may seem like she has one grand favorite: "NO." What's the attraction? Preschoolers say "no" a lot because they're discovering their own free will. "No" is a handy way to voice their opinion. (Sometimes they even say "no" when they really mean "yes.") Sometimes a not-very-verbal child will resort to "no" just because she's mad or flustered and struggling to get her point across. Your preschooler may also learn that if she says it loudly and forcefully enough, you pay attention – and even go along with what she wants!

今年,在你的孩子学会的所有词汇中,似乎有一个她最喜欢的词:“不”。对孩子来说,这个词的吸引力在哪里? 学龄前儿童经常说“不”,是因为他们正在发现自身的自由意志。“不”这个词,是表达孩子自己意见的一种便捷方式。(有时,他们甚至会在当他们实际是想表达“是”的时候,却说“不”。) 有时,一个不善言辞的孩子,会仅仅因为很生气或慌乱,很难让别人明白她的意思,所以说“不”。你的孩子可能也会习得:如果她/他大声有力地说出“不”这个词,你就会关注她/他,甚至听从她/他的要求!

Giving your child choices is one way to reduce the number of no's you hear from her. Also, encourage her to answer in a quiet voice, and coach her in some alternatives: "What's the opposite of 'no'? 'Yes!'" "You can say 'no,' or you can say 'yes,' or guess what's in the middle? You can say 'maybe!'"

给你的孩子一些选项,是减少你从孩子那听到的“不”这个词的一个方法。同时,鼓励孩子用平和的声音回答别人,并辅导孩子学会一些替代说辞:““不”的反义词是什么?” “是的!””、“你可以说‘不’,或者你可以说‘是’,或者猜猜中间说法是什么? 你可以说‘也许吧!’”

Your life now  / 你的人生现状

The switch from crib to bed often ushers in an era of middle-of-the-night visits to your bed. If you're not up for sharing your covers, lead or carry your preschooler back to his bed and bid him a kind but firm goodnight. Don't turn on the lights, don't talk much, don't get emotional or otherwise make it a fun, daytime-like experience. You might have to repeat this routine multiple times before the night walker learns to stay in his own bed at night. The key is to be persistent and consistent.








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