生态文明体制改革样板区(model zone for institutional reform of ecological progress)
陆海统筹保护发展实践区(area for coordinated land and marine development)
生态价值实现机制试验区(pilot zone for ecological value realization mechanism)
清洁能源优先发展示范区(demonstration zone for prioritized development of clean energy)
自然环境 natural environment
绿色产业 green industry
绿色能源 green power/energy
生态文明 ecological civilization/conservation
环境污染 environmental pollution
环保意识 environmental awareness
低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle
生态安全 ecological security
生态足迹 ecological footprint
生态保护红线 red lines for ecological protection
返学费(cash rewards)
送实物(in-kind rewards)
利诱微信用户分享其链接(包括二维码图片等)到朋友圈打卡(entice users to share promotional links on their WeChat Moments)
封禁相关开放平台账号或应用的分享接口(block sharing interfaces of related accounts or apps)
下调每日分享限额(decrease daily sharing quota)
限制使用微信登录功能接口(restrict access to WeChat login interface)
永久封禁账号、域名、IP地址或分享接口(permanently block accounts, domain names, IP addresses or sharing interfaces)
通过微信群实施诱导用户分享的个人账号(personal accounts that entice users to share in WeChat groups)
社交媒体 social media
好友申请 friend request
二维码 QR code
取关 unfollow
解除好友关系 defriend
第三方应用商店 third-party app store
快捷图标 short-cut icon
消息推送 push notifications
逃避安检 skipping security checks
站台乱扔杂物 littering on the platform
排队加塞 jumping the queue
越过站台黄色警戒线 stepping beyond the yellow warning line on the platform
咸猪手 groping
地铁站内涂鸦 graffiti on subway stations
六部门联合发文 共享单车押金退款周期不得超过两个工作日
交通运输新业态(emerging forms of transportation)
网络预约出租汽车(online taxi-hailing)
“共享汽车” car sharing
俗称“共享单车” bike sharing
Emerging在这里表示“新兴的,新出现的”,与我们此前见过的emerging industry(新兴产业)、emerging countries(新兴国家)等用法一致。这个词的动词形式emerge除了表示“显露、出现”的意思之外,还可以表示“(从困境或不好的经历中)摆脱出来,熬出来”,比如:There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.(有越来越多的证据表明经济终于开始摆脱萧条。)
专用存款账户(special deposit account)
个人银行结算账户(personal settlement account)
运营企业不得挪用(companies may not misappropriate deposit funds)
押金金额不得超过运营企业投入运营车辆平均单车成本价格的2%(a deposit no more than 2% of the average cost of a car)
押金金额不得超过运营企业投入运营车辆平均单车成本价格的10%(a deposit no more than 10% of the average cost of a single bike)
最长退还期限(the maximum period for deposit refund)
运营企业不得拒绝、拖延退还(companies should not refuse or delay refunding)
共享单车 bike sharing
在线叫车 online car-hailing
分享经济 sharing economy
押金管理 deposit management
停车管理 parking management
免押金 deposit waiver
租车 car rental