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作者: enjune310 | 来源:发表于2019-02-06 17:05 被阅读18次



    The top three confusions for a member on international chatting platform may be the followings. You find there is no one to talk to, or more specifically, not a right person to talk to. Persons with unhealthy topics keep coming to disturb you. It is hard to maintain a conversation after getting all the basic information known by each other.

    To get rid of the awkward situations mentioned, you need the three tips below.


    Make flexible switch between a patient listener and and a talkative addresser

    To start a conversation, you need to take the initiative to say hi, making your identity and purpose clear, and state your willingness to talk. Stay talkative when the other side don't know what to talk at the beginning. Try to lead the conversation somewhere satisfying and interesting to both of you. Be a good listener instead of keeping talking all the way when the other party feels like chatting and is in high spirit.


    Make interesting and appropriate post on things around and information about yourself on the moments

    The endless and final topic is about how to be attractive enough to attract those people you would like to talk to. So ask yourself what you expect from this platform.

    If you are looking for someone to learn what's new in their country and the unique part of their culture, show them yours to stimulate their comments on this and motivate them to share theirs by raising question. If you are here to talk to normal guys and make healthy conversations, do not post something arousing sexual desire or mention anything related to sex when you talk. If you hate something or something makes you uncomfortable or feel disgustingly sick, make it clear what you dislike or avoid in profile. If you want to learn a certain language, name it and post something about the language you know and some tips you have on learning Chinese to encourage discussion concerning language. If you want to make friends with people with similar hobbies and common topics, try to share what's appreciated by you to show what kind of person you are. Always be with something worth sharing, ideas brilliant and information valuable. You could not have others' attention without being an interesting person yourself.


    Put yourself in others' shoe and make the conversation individual oriented and details considerate

    Take a check of what's new on the moments of whom you want to talk with. Capture the details that may possibly trigger a topic during the communication and make it flexible for you to swift from topic to topic. Pay attention to the time difference and tell the other that you welcome any message left hours ago, and are willing to reply message at the glance of it. Show your understanding when the other part drop the conversation for certain reason or haven't made reply for a long period, and offer a way applicable to maintain further communication, say, setting the fixed time available for both of you, telling them you don't mind their failing to get back instantly due to anything else happening during the conversation. Make your profile reading friendly for others to know you by stating all the languages available for conversation, and the language you would like to learn. So pals may come to you based on the languages you could talk in and the languages they could help with. 



