Night  夜

作者: 微笑的小鱼99 | 来源:发表于2019-02-23 00:29 被阅读7次


Sitting down in front of the mirror I see

A face that time has not saved, it is me

I close my eyes to see what life has done inside

My feelings still in turmoil from the fight 

Was it me or you that warned them all

That what we did was meant to fall

Life is yet so complicated

For so long we communicated

We found the road has many sideways

So many believes and more prays

The growing number of who wish to follow

The rhetorical sound so empty and hollow

Like I was standing on a mountain

Spreading my words around like a fountain

Thinking I was warning for a danger to come

But the harder I should it was only heart by some

Was it me that brought the message loud

Of war and destruction of our beautiful earth

Thinking to stand steady on a cloud

Or was my thinking that did give the birth

My head was spinning around

All motions were changing into sound

Softly I did close my eyes

Knowing when I open them all I will see are lies

Arnaud van der Veere 

Night  夜


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    本文标题:Night  夜
