Khan Lab School is bringing back the one-room model to teach young students in Mountain View,California.
The school is a laboratory for an experimental kind of learning.Silicon Valley,known for its technology companies, is also the birthplace of the school. Twelve-year-old Mishal Junaid loves the Khan Lab School's untraditional methods.
这所学校相当于一间专门用于实验学习法的实验室。硅谷,因大量的科技公司驻扎于此而闻名,同样也是这所学校的诞生地。12岁的Mishal Junaid米萨尔·朱奈德非常喜爱可汗实验学校的非传统教学法。
"When I wake up in the morning, I want to wake up, unlike my last school where I want to sleep in and not go to school..."
Junaid and her sister's reactions to the school surprise their parents.
The girls' father, Junaid Qurashi, toldVOA: "Our children, they love going to school, to the point that even if they are tired or sick or have the flu," they will not stay home from school. "To the point that we worry why kids come home so happy.Are they really learning things?"
这位女孩的父亲,Junaid Qurashi朱耐德·卡拉什,告诉VOA的记者:“我的孩子们现在很喜欢上学,准确的说他们哪怕身体疲劳、不适甚至得了流感也要去学校。他们不会待在家里”
No homework
Students ages 5 to 15 attend the experimental Khan Lab School.It has no grade levels and no homework. The students are in school from 8:30 in the morning until six o'clock at night. And, the school is open all year long, with small breaks here and there.
Nine-year-old Holly Thompson enjoys going there.
"You get to choose what you learn,and it's not just a teacher hands you a worksheet and tells you what to do. You get to set your own goals. You have a schedule. You go to different classes."
9岁的Holly Thompson霍利·汤普森很喜欢在这所学校上学。
Khan Lab Schooluses an experimental method of teaching students
The school is the idea of Salman Khan,the founder of Khan Academy— famous for its educational videos. The videos are available on the internet free of charge and have millions of users around the world.
这所学校的创意来自于可汗学院的创立者—Salman Khan萨尔曼·可汗,可汗学院因其教育视频而迅速走红。可汗学院的这些视频可以在网上免费观看,并且可汗学院在全世界拥有数百万的用户。
Khan said he started Khan Lab School because he thinks the current education system has problems. He hopes to create a better learning model.
"Where I see the future going is somewhat revisiting the past. There's a lot of really good things about the one-room schoolhouse that you might have had in the rural areas that you still have today in a lot of places where you have mixed-age classrooms..."

He said this system lets the older students take responsibility and help younger students. That means the younger children get a lot of help. They get the help of the teacher and the older students.
Personalized learning
Khan said students also learn the study material at their own speed through videos. And, they get more attention through one-on-one discussions with teachers. They also learn by doing projects.
Malika Junaid noted a change in her daughters after they began attending the school. She said that, after six months, they seemed sure of their abilities. They are now not afraid to talk to adults and other students and now they always want to help.

Malika Junaid玛丽卡·朱耐德发现她的女儿们到这所学校上学之后有了一个转变。她说,在学习了半年之后,她们似乎确信自己拥有一些能力,她们现在不再害怕同大人们说话,而且经常想要在大人们做事的时候帮忙搭个手。
The school's director, Dominic Liechti,said this way of learning better prepares students for the future. He said the duties of a teacher need to change from leading the class to being someone who guides students in their learning, and provides individual support. A teacher is also a life-long learner, he said, not just someone who gives presentations.
这所学校的主管(校长),Dominic Liechti多米尼克·利希提认为这样的学习方式能够让学生们对未来拥有更好的准备。他还说到,老师们的职责不再是整个班级的领导者,而是要转变为一名指导学生们自主学习,并为他们提供个人帮助的角色。老师不应该仅仅是知识呈现者的角色,同样也应该是一名终身学习者。
Leichti also said the role of students is becoming more creative.
Work in progress
Salman Khan describes his Khan Lab Schoolas a work in progress.
Salman Khan萨尔曼·可汗将他的“可汗实验学校”描述为一项持续进步发展的工作。
"Like a R-and-D lab [research and development lab], the first time that you make the drug or the first time that you make the material," Khan said. "It's not scalable yet, but you need to make it the first time and say 'that's a pretty strong material.' And then you can think about how do you make it so that it's more affordable and more scalable."
Dominic Liechti says the community in the Mountain View area has been open to this new method to educating students.
Dominic Liechti多米尼克·利希提称,山景城范围内的社区已经对这种教育学生的新模式表示开放和接受。
"Especially in Silicon Valley because that's the culture that you can start something," he said. "You can pioneer something, and people join that movement, and I feel that amongst my staff."
Liechti says he has that same feeling amongst his students and members of the community.