Do you grow weary?

作者: 紫罗兰Shirley | 来源:发表于2019-07-05 05:13 被阅读1次

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.” Isaiah40:28

Exhaustion is the consumption of the life vitality. The exhaustion of the holy spirit is not from sins, but it is from the serving. Whether you are tired relies on your supply’s source. Jesus said to Peter: “Feed my sheep.” But Jesus didn’t give him any fodder. If we want to become the cake split and the wine poured, we must become the others’ nutrition until they can learn to draw strength from the Lord. They will exhaust our energy, so we must obtain supply quickly. Otherwise, we will be exhausted. Before people don’t understand how to obtain the supply from the Lord, they will get the supply by us. We will be sucked by people until the other party learns to obtain the nutriment from God. We have this responsibility before the Lord, so we not only are loyal to the Lord, but also we must try our best to feed the sheep.

Whether does the way that we serve God make us tired? If so, we should fan into our enthusiasm again. Where does our serving start? From our personal compassion? Or rely on Jesus’s salvation. We should trace the enthusiastic source and deeply think about our energy’s source. we don’t have any right to say:” The Lord, how tired I am”. The Lord saves us and sanctifies us, so we will be burning. We should exhaust our energy for God, but we must remember that our supply is from the Lord. 

 “Singers and dancers alike say, ‘All my springs are in you.’” Psalms87:7



    本文标题:Do you grow weary?
