

作者: 小书童札记 | 来源:发表于2019-01-11 07:48 被阅读7次

    原文见Key consensuses lift DPRK ties

    Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and president, and his wife, Peng Liyuan, greet Kim Jong-un, top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and his wife, Ri Sol-ju, in Beijing on Tuesday. Kim Jong-un, top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visits a Tong Ren Tang Co traditional Chinese medicine plant (同仁堂) in Beijing on Wednesday, where he inspected processing and production lines(产线). XIE HUANCHI / XINHUA

    Kim’s visit helps to reach solutions for peninsula issue(半岛问题)

    President Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un, top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, reached important consensuses after holding talks on Tuesday and Wednesday during Kim’s fourth trip to China in less than a year.

    Analysts(分析人士) said that the DPRK leader’s frequent visits to China showed that the bilateral ties, based on the common interests of both countries, are being enhanced continuously.

    The two sides agreed to make joint efforts to push for development of China-DPRK relations in the new era, advance the political settlement process(持续推进半岛问题政治解决进程) of the Korean Peninsula issue, bring more benefits to people of both sides and contribute to the peace, stability, prosperity and development of the region and the world.

    Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that with the concerted efforts(共同努力) of both nations, China-DPRK relations opened a historic new chapter last year, and they have displayed the resolute determination to jointly advance the political settlement of the peninsula issue.

    Xi said he is willing to work with Kim to “make sound efforts to guide the future development of the China-DPRK relationship”.

    The two nations should maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen friendly exchanges and cooperation and promote the long-term, healthy and stable development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said.

    Kim said he was grateful to Xi for taking time from a busy schedule at the beginning of the year to receive the DPRK delegation.

    “Under the utmost care of Comrade General Secretary, DPRK-China relations last year were elevated to a new height(提升到了一个新高度) and a new chapter was written,” Kim said

    On the situation of the Korean Peninsula, Xi spoke highly of the positive measures taken by the DPRK to promote denuclearization on the peninsula(半岛无核化).

    Major progress was made in the process of a political solution to the Korean Peninsula issue last year with joint efforts of China, the DPRK and relevant parties, Xi said.

    China supports the DPRK’s continued adherence to(遵循) the direction of denuclearization on the peninsula and the continuous improvement of inter-Korean relations, Xi said. It also supports the DPRK and the United States holding summits and achieving results as well as relevant parties resolving their respective legitimate concerns(合理关切) through dialogue, he said.

    China hopes that the DPRK and the United States will meet each other halfway, Xi said.

    Kim said the Korean Peninsula situation has been easing since last year, and China’s important role in the process is obvious to all.

    The DPRK will continue sticking to the stance of denuclearization and resolving the Korean Peninsula issue through dialogue and consultation, and make efforts for the second summit between DPRK and US leaders to achieve results that will be welcomed by the international community, Kim said.

    Xi said China firmly supports the DPRK in implementing the country’s new strategic line and focusing on developing its economy and improving its people’s well-being.

    Kim said the DPRK considers China’s development experience most valuable and hopes for more trips to China for study and exchanges.

    Before the talks, Xi held a welcoming ceremony for Kim at the Great Hall of the People on Tuesday. After the talks, Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, hosted a banquet for Kim and his wife, Ri Sol-ju, and they watched an artistic performance together.

    On Wednesday morning, Xi met with Kim at the Beijing Hotel. Xi spoke positively of the significance of Kim’s visit. China is willing to make joint efforts with the DPRK to safeguard, consolidate and develop relations between the two parties and two countries, Xi said.

    After the meeting, Xi and his wife held a luncheon for Kim and his wife.

    On Wednesday, Kim also visited a Tong Ren Tang pharmaceutical plant in Yizhuang, Beijing, where he inspected processing and production lines for traditional Chinese medicine that use traditional and modern techniques.

    The latest summit talks between the top leaders of China and the DPRK are anticipated(预计) to play “a very positive role” in the success of the second summit between Kim and US President Donald Trump, according to Republic of Korea President Moon Jae-in(文在寅).

    “China has played a positive role in very much helping the Korean Peninsula’s denuclearization and the improvement of inter-Korean relations,” Moon said in a news conference on Thursday.

    Li Haidong, a professor of international relations at China Foreign Affairs University, said that China and the DPRK have sent a clear signal of consolidating their traditional friendship during Kim’s visit.

    The two countries have an urgent need to conduct deep exchanges and close coordination on issues of mutual concern, Li said.

    China’s constructive role in pushing the dialogue of all relevant parties over the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is irreplaceable(无法替代的) given that it has effective communications with all relevant nations, including the US, Russia, the DPRK, the ROK and Japan, he said.

    Ruan Zongze, vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies(中国国际问题研究院), said that the frequent China-DPRK high-level exchanges are of great importance to bilateral ties as well as regional stability.

    Ruan expressed optimism toward the development of the Korean Peninsula situation given that the second Kim-Trump meeting is being prepared, and both the DPRK and the ROK have lots of motives to improve relations.



