This was the third song I got from Mr Xue two years ago. It sounds like an inner monologue from someone trying to act decently and show his kindness in the mostly elegantly appropriate way when he sees no possibility of the turning back of his girlfriend. Maybe it will be hard to let go if we did fall in love with each other once, but what else could be a more graceful gesture than bidding farewell to someone who is no longer there for you and turning back to what we are supposed to be with, leaving things behind peacefully asleep within the deeper layer of memory.
What else do you want from me
You stop by the street
Where we used to meet
Tell me about everything clear on your mind
我还在逞强 说着谎
I pretend to be casual
Trying to lie
也没能力遮挡 你去的方向
But I fail to prevent you from
Heading to where you belong
At least I make it in a decent way
When you mean it
From then on
I choose to go around the same street
How I wish to see you again in another space
思念在逞强 不肯忘
Miss you stubbornly
Keep you in mind
怪我没能力跟随 你去的方向
I hate myself unable to follow you
Everywhere you go
若越爱越被动 越要落落大方
The more passive you are
The more you should be elegantly generous
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What else do you want from me
Want from me
A simple text from you may make me uneasy
我没能力遗忘 你不用提醒我
I fail to leave it behind
Please no need to remind
Even if it may end this way
我还能怎样 能怎样
What else do you want from me
Want from me
No matter how hard I try
I will be the one left behind
你从来不会想 我何必这样
You would never think of me
Why I keep acting like this
I would be back to where I belong
Available for all kinds of new options
爱你到最后 不痛不痒
I love you till the end
But there's nothing more
流言在计较 谁爱过一场
No more gossip or measure
On who loves more than the other
我剩下一张 没后悔的模样
All I leave behind
Nothing but the look without regret
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What else do you want from me
Want from me
Never make it to the scene of my wedding
我听完你爱的歌 就上了车
After hearing the song you like the best
I'm on my way leaving
You were someone worth loving
我不要你怎样 没怎样
What else do you want from me
Want from me
Never forget the path that we had been
因为那是我 最快乐的时光
It was my happiest hour
Just you and me
Later I have lived my life an ideal way
I am with someone else
Not single all the way
有一天晚上 梦一场
Someday I find you in my dream deep
你白发苍苍 说带我流浪
You are gray haired
Say that you'll take me somewhere fair
我还是没犹豫 就随你去天堂
I follow you into the Heaven
Without any hesitation
不管能怎样 我能陪你到天亮
Whatever happens
I will accompany you till the sky's brightened