

作者: 贝小鱼 | 来源:发表于2019-09-30 12:40 被阅读0次

    如下文章来自著名领导力导师(Your Leadership Mentor):Michael Hyatt。

    I am a habitual nap-taker. I take one almost every day and have for years. I used to feel a little guilty about it—like I was slacking off or something. Then Sam Moore, my predecessor at Thomas Nelson, admitted to me he too was a napper.


    “Every day after lunch, I lie down on the sofa in my office,” he recounted. “I hold my car keys in my right hand and let my hand hang toward the floor. When the car keys fall out of my hand, I know I’m done.” (Evidently, the famous artist Salvador Dali had a similar practice. He called it “slumber with a key.”)


    Take a Nap Every Day

    Napping Benefits


    I suggest you seriously consider taking a daily nap for the following five reasons:


    ☛ // 恢复你的警觉性

    A nap restores alertness.

    You know how your energy dips in the early afternoon? You start feeling a little sleepy and lose focus. It happens to most of us. A quick nap can bring us back up to speed.


    The National Sleep Foundation recommends a short nap of twenty to thirty minutes “for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with nighttime sleep.”


    Here’s a brief video that explains the science behind short naps. You can even maximize this benefit by drinking coffee directly before putting your head down.


    A nap prevents burnout.

    ☛ // 让你远离过劳

    A nap prevents burnout.

    In our always-on culture, we go, go, go. However, we were not meant to race without rest. Doing so leads to stress, frustration, and burnout.


    Taking a nap is like a system reboot. It relieves stress and gives you a fresh start.

    Research subjects who nap show greater emotional resilience, improved cognitive function, and more. Just thirty minutes can prevent the day’s wear and tear from frying your circuits.

    研究表明,小憩也可以让你有更大的情绪释放,提高你的认知能力甚至更多。仅仅三十分钟就医让你远离“电路损毁”。(这里的“wear and tear”是磨损的意思,“circuits”是电路板 ,这里作者把我们的身体比作了电路板。译注。)

    ☛ // 午休增强知觉系统

    A nap heightens sensory perception.

    According to Dr. Sara C. Mednick, author of Take a Nap, Change Your Life, napping can restore the sensitivity of sight, hearing, and taste.


    Napping also improves your creativity by relaxing your mind and allowing new associations to form in it. When it came to making new connections, nappers had the edge in research done by the City University of New York.


    ☛ // 降低心脏疾病风险

    A nap reduces the risk of heart disease.

    Did you know those who take a midday siesta at least three times a week are 37 percent less likely to die of heart disease? Working men are 64 percent less likely! It’s true, according to a 2007 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.


    “Taking a nap could turn out to be an important weapon in the fight against coronary mortality,” said Dimitrios Trichopoulos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, who led the study.

    负责这一研究的哈佛大学公共健康波士顿分校的Dimitrios Trichopoulos说:“午休是一个有效地降低冠心病发病率的重要手段。”

    ☛ // 午休让你更具创造性

    A nap makes you more productive.

    The secret to becoming more productive is not managing your time; it’s managing your energy.


    Numerous studies have shown workers becoming increasingly unproductive as the day wears on. Just think of your own experience. But a 2002 Harvard University study demonstrated a thirty-minute nap boosted the performance of workers, returning their productivity to beginning-of-the-day levels.



    Napping Tips

    I typically take a twenty-minute nap right after lunch. If I can’t do it then, I try to squeeze it in before 4:00 p.m.


    While working in a motor shop in college, I would eat lunch in my car and then lie down in the back seat. When I was CEO at Thomas Nelson, I napped in a zero gravity chair that reclined to a horizontal position. Since I now work from my home, I retreat to my bedroom and lie down in my bed.


    Here are a few practices I have found helpful.


    • Be consistent. Try to nap at the same time every day. This helps stabilize your circadian rhythmsand maximize the benefits. One easy way to do this? Schedule it.
    • 定点。尝试每天的同一个时间段去午休,这有助于保持你稳定的生理节奏并使你获益最大化。最简单的办法就是,规划好!
    • Keep it short. Avoid “sleep inertia,” that feeling of grogginess and disorientation that can come from awakening from a deep sleep. Long naps can also negatively impact nighttime sleep. I recommend twenty to thirty minutes tops. Set an alarm on your phone to avoid oversleeping.
    • 别太长。别“沉睡”,因为那样会让你从深度睡眠中醒来时感觉昏昏沉沉的。午休时间过长会让你的晚上睡眠质量下降。我建议20-30分钟是最多的了,可以手机定个闹铃以免自己“睡过头”。
    • Turn off the lights. Light acts as a cue for our bodies. Darkness communicates it is time to shut down—or go into standby mode. If you can’t turn off the lights, use a simple eye mask. I bought mine at Walgreens. Turn the lights back up to full brightness when you wake up.
    • 把灯关了。灯对于我们的身体而言是个信号,黑暗告诉我们处于静止状态或者保持等候模式。如果实在没有办法关灯的话,那就戴上个眼罩吧,睡醒了的时候你会发现一个明亮的世界。
    • Use a blanket. When you sleep, your metabolism falls, your breathing rate slows, and your body temperature drops slightly. Though not imperative, you will usually be more comfortable if you use a light blanket when you nap.
    • 盖个毯子。睡觉的时候,你的新陈代谢就处于沉睡的状态,呼吸变慢,体温逐渐下降。盖上个毯子会让你更加舒适。
    • Be discreet. Getting caught napping at your desk is not a good way to earn respect. In some old-school environments, it might even get you fired! But most people get an hour for lunch. Eat in half that time and then go snooze in your car, an unused conference room, or even a closet.
    • 低调点。在自己的工位上睡觉的话不是一个好的赢得尊重的办法。在一些管理老套的公司里面,这还有可能让你被解雇,但多数人的用餐时间都是一个小时,那么,就少吃点,然后在自己的车里、不用的会议室或者休息室靠一会。

    Finally, shift your own thinking about naps. People who take them are not lazy. They might just be the smartest, most productive people you know.


    以上内容由贝小鱼编译自MICHAEL HYATT的文章,版权归属原作者

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