

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-04-05 21:38 被阅读0次


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    New from Wraith Babes, the hottest girls in nasty situations. 魅影宝贝最新消息辣妹也有失意时
    直接跳过将扣除里程 是否继续收看
    I have a dream 我有个梦想
    A song to sing 那是一首歌曲
    To help me cope with anything 陪我度过一切艰辛
    And my destination makes it worth the while 只要为了目标这一切都值得
    Pushing through the darkness still another mile 给我前进动力在黑暗中前进
    I believe in angels 我相信有天使
    Something good in everything I see 目光所及之处都有美好存在
    I believe in angels 我相信有天使
    When I know the time is right for me 当我感到机会终于来临
    I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 我将迈过溪流我有个梦想
    I have a dream 我有个梦想
    Let's play Botherguts! 一起闹翻天吧
    Come on! 来啊
    Three, two, one! 三二一
    Go! 开始
    Chuck her a bun! 丢她个面包
    Not hungry?! That's a first?! 不饿吗真是第一次呢
    Come on! 来啊
    That'd hurt! 疼吧
    Brilliant! 太好玩了
    Fucking brilliant, that! 太他妈好玩了
    That one does that sometimes. Hang on. 那玩意有时会这样稍等
    There's a little knob in here somewhere. 这儿有个小按钮
    Almost the only real thing in there, 差不多算是这里唯一的真东西了
    and even that's grown in a Petri dish. 虽然也是从培养皿里长出来的
    Thank you. 谢了
    For Christ's sake! 我靠
    Way to mood-kill, blubbernaut! 真是扫兴你个肥猪佬
    Cheers for the reflection! 你的影子很好看吗
    One minute I'm in slitsville, 老子前一秒还在享受
    the next there's a haunted pig gawping at me. 后一秒就看到你这猪脸瞪着我
    They may as well have cut to a war crime! 还不如直接让我看战争场面
    You missed a bit. 你没扫干净
    Pie ape! 猪佬
    You see that? 你瞧见了吧
    Fucking pie ape! 真他妈一猪佬
    He'll be in lemon and all before long! 要不了多久他也会穿上那身香蕉皮了
    Selma Telse. 塞尔玛·泰尔丝
    Howie Mandelbrot. 豪伊·曼德勃罗
    Toy Soldiers. 玩具士兵
    Each headlines their own content on 每个人都在日间八套之一
    one of your eight daylight streams. 有以自己的名字命名的节目
    But they started here, like you. 但他们在此处起步与你一样
    Putting their back into giving back for a brighter now. 为了更光明的未来挥汗洒泪
    Each paying their dues like you, 他们跟你一样履行义务
    hoping to become a hot shot. 期望称为一个巨星
    That wasn't good... 这表现不是"很好"
    ...That was beyond incredible! 是"精妙绝伦"
    You decide the victors, you control their fates, 你决定着胜负你掌控着他们的命运
    you make the call on Hot Shot. 最高人气由你决定
    直接跳过将扣除里程 是否继续收看
    New from Wraith Babes, 魅影宝贝最新消息
    the hottest girls in the nastiest situations. 辣妹也有失意时
    So let's view it. 一起欣赏吧
    Resume viewing. Resume viewing. 继续观看继续观看
    Resume viewing. 继续观看
    Resume viewing. Resume viewing. 继续观看继续观看
    Resume viewing. 继续观看
    Resume viewing. Resume viewing. 继续观看继续观看
    Resume viewing. 继续观看
    You are going to see it all. 你能看个够
    Exclusively on Wraith Babes XL. 魅影宝贝特别版专题报道
    Hey, what else were you planning to do with that hand? 你那只手闲着也是闲着
    You lick my pussy, baby. 宝贝来舔舔我啊
    I turn you on! 我让你欲火焚身
    Hi, I'm Roxy, hello. 你好我是罗克西
    Hi, I'm Evie. 你好我是艾薇
    Didn't let him sign in. 没让他签到
    Told him to report to 22 down. 叫他到22楼去报到
    Told ya! 早说了
    He's gone lemon, the lazy fuck! 他的香蕉都累软了懒鬼
    What do you think? 你觉得怎么样
    It's a bit much. 有点过了
    Yeah. 是啊
    Best thing about my new lifestyle? Where do I start? 我的新生活好在哪里从哪开始说呢
    I love choosing my own clothes and I love gold. 我喜欢自己挑衣服我喜欢金色
    I feel like it really expresses who I really am 我觉得这个颜色能代表我的真性情
    and I love looking over outside. 我喜欢在外面到处看看
    It's so beautiful sometimes, 有时真是美极了
    I just wish that everyone could see it. 我希望大家都能看到
    Nice outfit. 这一身不错嘛
    Suits you. 跟你很搭
    Well, honesty is ruthless so I suppose it's just honesty... 实话总是很残忍我猜这就是实话
    ruthless honesty. 残忍的实话
    You can blame me,try to shame me 责备我吧就算你让我惭愧
    And still I'll care for you 我依旧会呵护你从头到尾
    The world may think I'm foolish 全世界都会认为这样太累
    They can't see you,like I can 除却你我谁与谁高山流水
    Oh~But anyone,who knows what love is 懂爱之人都能了解
    Will understand 个中滋味
    Drying my hands. 在烘手
    Impressive. 不错啊
    Have fun... 慢慢享受
    I mean, on the... 我是说在
    Hey, regular user! 你好老顾客
    New from Wraith Babes, 魅影宝贝最新消息
    the hottest girls in the nastiest situation. 辣妹也有失意时
    Select view... 选择观看
    Dick. 笨蛋
    Detritus. Sorry. 纸屑抱歉
    Oh~But anyone,who knows what love is 懂爱之人都能了解
    Will understand 个中滋味
    Selma Telse. 塞尔玛·泰尔丝
    消音将扣除点数 是否消音
    Oh~But anyone,who knows what love is 懂爱之人都能了解
    Will understand 个中滋味
    Come on! 拜托
    Wait. There's a knack to it. 等等有窍门的
    - You'll take your fingers off. - Trust me. -你会把手指弄掉的-相信我
    Smart. 真聪明
    Bing Madsen. 我叫宾·麦德森
    Short for Bingham. 宾汉姆的简称
    Abi Khan. 艾比·康
    Short for Abi Khan. 艾比·康的简称
    You're a new person. I've not seen you. 你是新来的以前没见过你
    I just went 21 last week. 我上周刚满21岁
    I wanted to go to Airedale. My sister's there, but... 本想去艾尔谷找我姐姐可惜...
    It's full, apparently. 不用说那儿满员了
    Proper fruit. It was worth the risk. 水果味很正冒险也值了
    The most natural thing in there's probably 这里最有机的东西
    grown in a Petri dish. 也可能出自培养皿
    Yeah. 是啊
    Quite good, though. 不过味道不错
    Yeah. That's the right way round. 是该吃得健康些
    When you get the cheap lardy kind, you end up having to pedal it off. 如果吃垃圾食品就得骑车消耗掉
    Then you want more sugar. 然后你会需要更多热量
    Then you're playing catch-up and I've... 再加倍骑车消耗掉...
    I've been there. It's a vicious circle. 我受过这个罪就是个恶性循环
    Can't you just use that CPT app? 下个CPT应用不就行了吗
    What's that? 那是什么
    This cognitive behavioural thing. 认知行为之类的
    It realigns your thinking to pick healthy food. 能通过催眠矫正不良认知
    Whispers you into it while you sleep. 在睡梦中培养你偏好健康食品
    Yeah, I should try that, yeah. 我回头下个试试
    I liked your singing the other day. 我喜欢你那天唱的歌
    I was trying to sing so no-one could hear me pee. 我只是想出点声盖住尿尿的声音
    I'm not Selma or anything. 跟塞尔玛没法比
    You've got a phenomenal voice. 你的声音宛如天籁
    It was the most beautiful song... 我从没听过那么好听的...
    Y... You think I'm being cheesy? 你...觉得我太夸张了吧
    All right, I am being cheesy. 的确是夸张了
    But it was beautiful, so, you know... 但你的歌声真的很美
    Reality's cheesy sometimes. 有时候真相就是美得夸张
    Not often, admittedly, but... 虽然不常碰见但
    Now. 这就是
    Yeah... 算了...
    Well, thank you. 谢谢夸奖
    It's just noises, though. 但我真的只是随便哼哼
    Noises in the right order. 哼出了调子而已
    Don't downplay... you're good. 别谦虚你真的很厉害
    The song's good. It's old. 是歌本身好听经典老歌
    My mum used to sing it and she learnt it from her mum. 外婆教给妈妈妈妈又传给了我
    A hand-me-down. 就像件传家宝
    You thought of trying out for Hot Shot? 有没有考虑过上最高人气
    Me? 我吗
    Why not? 有什么问题吗
    Singing in front of Judge Hope? 在希望评委面前唱歌
    I'd die! 那不是要我的命吗
    Seriously, I'd be halfway to the afterlife come the chorus. 真的估计到副歌部分我的魂都飞了




