第60本英文书笔记02:The Power of Positiv

第60本英文书笔记02:The Power of Positiv

作者: 风境羽 | 来源:发表于2017-09-13 19:45 被阅读37次

    The Power of Positive Thinking 之 如何快速消除心中怒火

    The Power of Positive Thinking


    Remember that anger is an emotion, and an emotion is always warm, even hot. 

    Therefore to reduce an emotion, cool it.



    Say aloud to yourself, “Don‘t be a fool. 

    This won’t get me anywhere, so skip it.” 

    At that moment it may be a bit hard to pray, but try it anyway; 

    at least conjure up(凭幻想做出)a picture of Jesus Christ in your mind and try to think of Him mad just as you are.



    One of the best techniques for cooling off anger was suggested by Mrs. Grace Oursler. 

    She formerly employed the usual “count to ten” technique but happened to notice that the first ten words of the Lord’s Prayer worked better.

    “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.” 

    When angry, say that ten times and your anger will lose its power over you.



    Anger is a great term expressing the accumulated vehemence of a multitude of minor irritations.

    Therefore, make a list of everything that irritates you. 

    No matter how inconsequential it may be or how silly each is, list it just the same. 

    The purpose in doing this is to dry up the tiny rivulets that feed the great river of anger.



    Make each separate irritation a special object of prayer.

    Get a victory over each, one at a time. Instead of attempting to destroy all of your anger, which as we have pointed out is a consolidated force, snip away by prayer each annoyance that feeds your anger. 

    In this way you will weaken your anger to the point where presently you will gain control over it.



    Train yourself so that every time you feel the surge of anger you say, “Is this really worth what it is doing to me emotionally? I will make a fool of myself. I will lose friends.”

    In order to get the full effect of this technique, practice saying to yourself a few times every day,

     “It is never worth it to get worked up or mad about anything.”

    Also affirm: “It isn’t worth it to spend $1000 worth of emotion on a five-cent irritation.”



    When a hurt-feeling situation arises, get it straightened out as quickly as possible

    Don‘t brood over(郁闷地沉思)it for a minute longer than you can help. 

    Do something about it. 

    Do not allow yourself to sulk or indulge in self-pity. 

    Don’t mope around(闷闷不乐)with resentful thoughts.



    Apply grievance drainage to your mind

    That is, open your mind and let the grievance flow out. 

    Go to someone you trust and pour it out to him until not a vestige( 遗迹;残余)of it remains within you. 

    Then forget it.



    Simply start praying for the person who has hurt your feelings. 

    Continue this until you feel the malice fading away.



    Say this little prayer: “May the love of Christ fill my heart.” 

    Then add this line: “May the love of Christ for——-(insert the other’s name) flood my soul.” 

    Pray this, mean it (or ask to mean it), and you will get relief.




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      本文标题:第60本英文书笔记02:The Power of Positiv
