
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-05-03 13:52 被阅读0次

































1. If you desire something, you have to set it free. If it comes back to you, it belongs to you. If it doesn't come back, you never have it.

2. When you desperately want to accomplish something, you are no longer an opponent of others, or to be more precise, others are no longer your opponent, no matter who it is, as long as you make this determination, he Immediately, he felt that infinite power was added, and his vision also broadened.

3. My friend, I have some doubts - are you too weak to show off your pain as your pride?

4. God has given people limited power but unlimited desires.

5. If we break up, it is definitely not my intention. You must know that the tree is reluctant to leave the flower, and the flower leaves the tree.

6. Father Faria said, if you want to know who wants to harm you, think about who benefits from your harm.

7. The wicked will not simply die, because God seems to take care of them, and he will use them as a tool for his revenge.

8. Smart people never ask more about what they shouldn't know, and don't believe anything they don't want to believe.

9. The ruthless teaching teaches people what kind of eyes can be used to observe danger and what kind of patience can be used to endure pain.

10. Happiness is only one person who knows whether a pair of shoes is suitable or not.

11. There is no happiness or unhappiness in this world, there is only a comparison between one situation and another, and that's it. Only those who have experienced extreme misfortune can taste extreme happiness, and only those who have made the determination to die can understand how happy it is to live. Live happily, please never forget that until the day when God allows to reveal the future picture for mankind, all the wisdom of mankind is contained in these five words: wait and hope!

12. There are only two medicines for all sins - time and silence.

13. Learning does not mean knowing. There is a difference between a learned person and a person who can know. Memory makes the former, philosophy makes the latter.

14. What do you want in life, get rich and free.

15. Anyone who is deeply in love will never let his clock move forward steadily.

16. Once the painful experience is shared by someone, the pain is cut in half.

17. What can be called wonderful? That's what we can't understand. And what do we really want? It's something we can't get.

18. Ignore the clichés, they only delay the indecision from building their future life.

19. There are two kinds of vision: the vision of the body and the vision of the mind. What the naked eye sees is sometimes forgotten, but what the mind sees is always remembered in the heart.

20. When people see your self-esteem, you will be valued. In our society, this adage is a hundred times more effective than the Greek dictum, knowing oneself. Today, knowing oneself is much more difficult than knowing one another, and knowing one another is more useful than knowing oneself.

21. The development of the mines of human intellect must be brought about by adversity.

22. The whole meaning of life is only five words: expectation and waiting.

23. In this world, everyone has his own opinion, which prevents him from looking at other people's opinions.

24. Only those who like to spend time in pain and spend their lives in tears will do this. Such people have always been submissive, and presumably God will help them.

But those who want to change their destiny will definitely not waste time on sadness and pain. They will rise up immediately.

25. Everything we have done has indeed left its traces, some blurred, some clear! Every step we take in the course of life is like a reptile creeping on the sand, leaving a long imprint!

26. When a person has a considerable amount of property, luxury life becomes necessary; when a person has a relatively superior position, his ideal will be brighter.

27. Hatred makes people blind, anger makes people irrational, and those who vent their hatred and revenge may end up drinking bitter wine by themselves.

28. Patient waiting and the motivation brought by hope will surely usher in the dawn of dawn.

29. I forgive you because I also need forgiveness from others.

30. Because every morning, I will think that you will come, and at night, I will think that you have come.


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