
作者: _地才 | 来源:发表于2015-12-22 22:08 被阅读213次

1.There's gotta be something wrong with him.
This guy says hello,I wanna kill myself.
gotta = get to,wanna = want to口语中常见的连读。

 going to = gonna, I'm gonna try to finish this book.
 have to = hafta, I hafta start a diet.
 has to = hasta, He hasta try harder.
 kind of = kinda, You and I kinda driftd apart.
 out of = outta, We are outta here.

2.So does he have a hump?
hump主要意思是驼背,隆起,山丘。he has a hump表示他是驼背。

 over the hump 指某个人完成了一项任务当中最困难的部分。还可以表示某人生了重病,但是渡过了最危险的阶段。
 The doctors say he's over the hump now, getting stronger every day, and he can go home next week.

3.Why does everyone keep fixating on that?这句话的上下文是Joey对Ross说you never knew she was a lesbian. Ross内心很郁闷,说为什么大家一直都关注这个问题。

4.I know that you and I have kinda driftd apart.这句话的上下文是Rachel逃婚后来找Monica,但她跟Monica很久没联系了。
drift apart:漂移,疏远
What causes continents to break up and drift apart?

5.it's a metaphor,Daddy!

6.buzz him in!
buzz him in是比较形象的表述有人按门铃时,开门让他进来。

 This is my card,give me a buzz.

7.This is a dear diary moment.这句话的上下文是调酒师Paul asked Monica out(邀请Monica约会),Chandler说是个值得纪念的时刻
在《吸血鬼日记》里面,主角们写日记都会以“Dear diary”开头。dear dairy moment,可以写进日记的时刻,引申为值得纪念的时刻。

8.What are you up to tonight?
I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight.
平时经常看到hang out表示闲逛,这里表达待在某处的意思。

9.Don't spoil all this fun.
spoil the fun 煞风景,毁了最某事的乐趣。

10.I take credit for Paul.
credit有信用,相信的意思。take credit for表示因为。。得到好评/嘉奖。

11.You are surprisingly upbeat.
upbeat,积极乐观,愉快的,高兴的。surprisingly upbeat异常兴奋。

1.You know what blows my mind?Women can see breasts any time thay want.
blow吹,blow one's mind引申为让某人晕眩,让某人震惊。

2.How you get any work done is beyond me.

3.I had the most supremely awful day.** **
Supreme is used in the title of a person or an official group to indicate that they are at the highest level in a particular organization or system.

MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific.

You use supreme to emphasize that a quality or thing is very great.
ADJ emphasis

  1. You've finally been able to crack your way into showbusiness.
    This is a big break for me!

1.cushions the blow 善意的谎言
-You know,'I think we should see other people' means 'I already am'.
-And everybody knows that?
-Yeah.Cushions the blow.It's like when you're a kid,and your parents put your dog to sleep,and they tell you it went off to live on some farm.

2.If I were omnipotent for a day,I would want,world peace,no more hunger,and bigger boobs!
ominipotent:无所不能,** **
Someone or something that is omnipotent has complete power over things or people. (FORMAL)

  1. Look,look,look,my first pay check!
    pay check = paycheck 薪水单

1.These are cave people,they have issues like,that glacier's getting kind of close.
cave原意洞穴,地窖。在原始时期,人们是生活在洞穴中的,所以cave people引申为原始人的意思。
glacier冰河,冰川。有部动画片叫ice age翻译为冰河世纪。

2.stand erect
** ** erect:直立,垂直,建造。
To honour the memory of his father, Joey decided to erect a monument.(建造一个纪念碑)
There is an erect pine.(直立的松树,可引申翻译为挺拔的松树)

3.I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have.

4.You are like all chaotic and twirly.

5.I am the girl who stomped your heart in front of your entire family.
stomp:重踏,脚踩。stomp one's heart,用力踩某人的心,可引申为彻底让某人丢脸,伤心。

6.I will tell you what,any diamond ring we found,we will run it by you.
run it by sb.是口语中常见的短语。有告知,让某人把关,过目的意思。要根据语境判断。
When you finish the letter, run it by me first before you send it out.

7.You know how he latches on.
latch:门闩,锁。he latches on的引申意思是死脑筋,固执,认定。这里的上下文是Monic告诉她爸妈,原本可以吃千层面,但现在没有了。她妈妈就说Then why bring it up?You know how he latches on.

8.She is like this high-powered,driven career type.

9.You may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'.
steer: 引导,掌舵,控制 steer clear of 引申意义为避免。

10.Chances are he's gonna be this broken shell of a man.

11.Things change,roll with the punches.
punch:用拳猛击。roll with the punch避开击打,可引申为躲避困难的含义。
I know you're so grieved at your son's death. But you should try to roll with the punch.

12.on the table

13.She would settle for that.
满足于,情愿。I settle for no less.我绝不降低要求。


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