
作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-07-02 16:33 被阅读0次


    1、 人们觉得你只能在以下而这种居其一:要么你是条鲨鱼,要么你只得躺在那里,任鲨鱼活生生地把你吃掉——这个世界就是这样。而我,我是那种会走出去,与鲨鱼搏斗的人。

    2、 许我明白,有时候一个人那样做,并不真的想伤害谁,只不过因为他不快乐。他知道那样做不好,而且知道做了之后自己也不会快乐,可是他还是一意孤行,不管三七二十一做了。然后他发现他失去了朋友,他难过极了,可是已经太晚了。事情已经做了。

    3、 孤独绝望,无可奈何的生活 。虽然有时孤独是一种享受,但大多数时候孤独是一种没有边际的恐惧。其实觉得我的生活就已经进入了孤独引发的恐惧病症状态,很多东西说了别人觉得矫情,最不想听到那种类似”我对你无语了”的说话语气,所以沉默是最好的选择。

    4、 人们想看真-相,可真-相只有出自他们知道名字的那些人之口时,他们才想看。

    5、 人都是孤独的,没有人逃脱得了,这就是他们的悲剧所在。

    6、 生活之路有时会意外地转个弯,给我们的并非惊喜,只是无奈。

    7、 感情世界里的孤独,有时候像黎明前沉寂的雪原,喧嚣都在梦里,温暖亦如此,声音落入风中,万劫不复。

    8、 我明白,有时候一个人那样做,并不真的想伤害谁,只不过因为他不快乐。他知道那样做不好,而且知道做了之后自己也不会快乐,可是他还是一意孤行,不管三七二十一做了。然后他发现他失去了朋友,他难过极了,可是已经太晚了。事情已经做了。

    9、 爱尔兰的一个传说:有一个名叫杰克的人因为非常吝啬,死后不能进天堂,又因他取笑魔鬼故而也不能下地狱,所以,他只能提着灯笼四处游荡,直到审判日那天。于是,杰克和南瓜灯便成了被诅咒的游魂的象征。

    10、 拉尔夫与格蕾丝在一起,更多的乐趣是与埃迪的倾诉。但是她目送他向埃迪走去,双手抱在胸前,好像是为了取暖,但是她定是全身冰冷。”别担心,拉尔夫,”她说。”我会在那里的。”站在原地,一步踏不进拉尔夫的内心。

    11、 我根本不敢肯定这间房子有没有窗户…上帝知道,帕尼,上帝知道这里当然在哪儿会有窗户,一扇我们大家的窗户。

    12、 因为群居动物的属性,我们天生害怕孤独;又因为随时身处热闹之中,孤独显的格外突兀。孤独是一种力量,当它来临时候,如同整个人被从喧嚣世界抽离出来,茫茫一片,让人手足无措。但也相信,熬过孤独与痛苦,必定是沃土。如果没有孤独,人生 注定会无趣许多。

    13、 如果我的作品有什么主题的话,我想只有简单一个:人都是孤独的,没有人逃脱得了,这就是他们的悲剧所在。

    14、 如果你双手把你的孤独奉上,可有人愿意接受?若有,你何其幸运有人愿接受这并不愉快的馈赠;若没有,你至少还能坐下来读这么一本关于孤独的书,即使这个写书的人与你隔了那么多的空间那么多的时间,但是至少,他懂得。

    15、 孤独是生命里必有的黑暗,它无法穿越,也不可战胜。如果我们明白了这一点,我们会觉得,其实人不需要那么多东西:名声、金钱、奢侈品、朋友或者爱情 、婚姻。至少,可以随遇而安,因为我们用这些东西对抗孤独,却没法获胜。我们唯一能做的,就是与它平静地共处。

    16、 我想站在那里,摆个姿势,像城堡里的公主那样,让你爬上那么多级可爱的台阶,来带我走。


    1. People think you can only be one of these: Either you are a shark, or you have to lie there and let the shark eat you alive - that's how the world is. And I, I'm the kind of guy who would go out and fight sharks.

    2. Maybe I understand that sometimes when a person does that, he doesn't really want to hurt anyone, just because he is unhappy. He knew it wouldn't work well, and he knew he wouldn't be happy after doing it, but he still insisted on doing it, no matter what. Then he found out that he had lost a friend, and he was very sad, but it was too late. Things have been done.

    3. Lonely, hopeless, helpless life. While loneliness is sometimes a pleasure, most of the time loneliness is a fear that knows no bounds. In fact, I feel that my life has entered a state of phobia caused by loneliness. Many things are said that others think are hypocritical, and the last thing I don’t want to hear is the tone of “I’m speechless to you”, so silence is the best choice.

    4. People want to see the truth, but they only want to see the truth when it comes from the mouths of those they know by name.

    5. People are lonely, and no one can escape. This is their tragedy.

    6. The road of life sometimes turns unexpectedly. It is not a surprise to us, but helplessness.

    7. The loneliness in the emotional world is sometimes like the silent snow field before dawn. The noise is all in a dream, and so is the warmth. The sound falls into the wind and is irreversible.

    8. I understand that sometimes when a person does that, he doesn't really want to hurt anyone, just because he is unhappy. He knew it wouldn't work well, and he knew he wouldn't be happy after doing it, but he still insisted on doing it, no matter what. Then he found out that he had lost a friend, and he was very sad, but it was too late. Things have been done.

    9. An Irish legend: There is a man named Jack because he is very stingy and can't go to heaven after death, and he can't go to hell because he makes fun of the devil, so he can only wander around with a lantern until the day of judgment. . Thus, Jack and the jack-o-lantern became symbols of the cursed wandering spirit.

    10. Ralph and Grace are more fun with Eddie. But she watched him walk towards Eddie, clasping her arms to her chest as if to keep warm, but she must be cold. "Don't worry, Ralph," she said. "I'll be there." Standing there, not a single step into Ralph's heart.

    11. I'm not at all sure if this house has a window... God knows, Penny, God knows where of course there will be a window here, a window for all of us.

    12. Because of the nature of social animals, we are naturally afraid of loneliness; and because we are in a lively environment at any time, loneliness is particularly abrupt. Loneliness is a kind of power. When it comes, it is as if the whole person has been pulled out from the noisy world. But I also believe that it must be fertile ground to survive loneliness and pain. If there is no loneliness, life is destined to be much boring.

    13. If my works have any theme, I think there is only one simple one: people are all alone, no one can escape, and this is their tragedy.

    14. If you offer your loneliness with both hands, can anyone accept it? If so, how lucky are you that someone is willing to accept this unpleasant gift; if not, you can at least sit down and read such a book about loneliness, even if the person who wrote the book is separated from you by so many spaces and so many spaces. Time, but at least, he knows.

    15. Loneliness is the inevitable darkness in life. It cannot be traversed or conquered. If we understand this, we will feel that people don't really need so many things: fame, money, luxuries, friends or love, marriage. At least, let's go with the flow, because we fight loneliness with these things, and we can't win. The only thing we can do is live with it in peace.

    16. I want to stand there and pose like a princess in a castle and let you climb so many lovely steps to take me away.



