
作者: 九色鹿鸣 | 来源:发表于2017-01-12 20:30 被阅读94次

这是YouTube上的一个演讲总结,主题为“study less study smart”让你花费更少的时间,反而取得更好的学习成效。

《Study Less Study Smart A 6 minutes Summary of Marty Lobdell's Lecture》

The human brain is very good at recognizing things.We can recognize people's face ,even if we haven't seen them in a long time.But the diffetence between recognition(认出)and recollection(记忆)is that recognition requires an initial(最初的,开始的) trigger(启动装置,诱因),a cue(提示,暗示信号).If you're in a test ,there's no trigger or cue.You have to actually pull it forth from your memory.Test and sure that you're actually recalling something,instead of just recognizing it,you need to quiz yourself.You need to do active studying and active learning.


The 4th tip is to take more effective notes,and he's really brief on(分析阐述了)this one.Basically(主要地),he says,after class,as soon as possible,and truly as soon as possible,flesh out(充实) your notes a bit.Add some more to them so you can actually solidify(使固化,具体化,使成型)the concepts(印象,概念)on your mind.If you're fuzy(模糊不清的)on something,ask anothef classmate who also took good notes,or go to office hours,or wait until the next lecture and ask the proffessor before he starts if he can clarify(使清楚)something that you don't really have a good grasp on(掌握).


The 5th tip is the summarize(总结,概述)or teach what you learned.He says the best way to actually learn something is to teach it.The reason for this is two folds.Number1,it's a great form of active studying,because you're forcing your brain to recall all the information so you can basically(主要的,基本的)summarize it for somebody.Number2,you're really making sure that you fully understand the subject.If you're explaining it to somebody who has absolutely no idea about the topic,and they're coming at it from a beginner's perspective(观点),then you're really going to have an easy time of pinpointing(准确指出)gaps(缺口,漏洞)in your own understanding.


SQ3R 【秘籍】学的少反而学的好(二)

Tip number 6 is to use your textbooks correctly.In this part of the lecture,he goes over the SQ3R method(方法论)which stand for(代表)'survey','question','read','recite'&

'review'.As I talked about in my active reading video,I think overarching(非常重要的,首要的)systems like this are actually kind of cumbersome(冗繁复杂的)and time consuming.But I do think it's important that you take individual(独特的,与众不同的)portions(部分)of these systems and see if they're worth it for your studying methods.As an example,the survey portion of SQ3R,surveying the chapter before you read it,and especially going to the end looking at the review question and the vocabulary,can really prime(使提前做好准备)your brain for picking out(了解,挑出)the most important information when you actually do the reading.



Dr.Lobdell's 7th and final tip is to use mnemonics(助记符号,记忆术)when you study facts.Now,facts, as opposed to(相对于)concepts,are a lot harder to tie(联系,连接)actually meaning to,and as a result,a lot of students often turn to simple rote(死记硬背)memorization(识记)to remember them,but a better way to go about it is to us mnemonics. A mnemonics is really any system that facilitates(促进,使便利)recall,but he goes over 3 specific(具体的)types of mnemonics in the video.


Those 3 are acronyms(首字母缩写),things like Roy G.Biv for remembering the color spectrum(光谱).Coined(创造),saying(格言,谚语),things like,in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue,and the third one,which both I and Dr.Lobdell think is the best one,image associations(图像关联). Create a ridiculous pictures or story in your head.The more emotionally(有感染力的),evocative(引起记忆的,唤起感情的)or weired it is,the more easily you are going to be able to recall that piece of information.

color spectrum

这三种,一个是用首字母缩写,就好比用Roy G.Biv来记光谱。一个是创造谚语顺口溜,类似于“1492哥伦布发现了新大陆”这种。第三个,是我和Lobdell博士都认为是最棒的一个:图像关联。在你脑海中创造出一个荒诞的图像或者故事,越有感染力,越能唤起记忆,越怪的,就越容易让你能够回想出这部分的信息。






