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Although more and more people read news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Until very recently, the things that people refer to as “newspapers” have been exclusively material objects made of paper. However, with the growing popularity of the internet, online news has become available for individuals of all ages. Actually, a large number of previous subscribers are beginning to read what they call “newspapers” on digital devices. As a consequence, fewer people rely on newspapers to obtain news.
From my perspective, my standpoint is that although in such a fierce rivalry the internet may outpace newspapers one day, newspapers will still thrive in local communities. There is no denying that online news is more accessible, more timely, more informative, more interactive, and more engaged with readers. More importantly, while reading news online, readers can post comments and find related news through the links.
Admittedly, the future information is mainly recorded in digital form, but in the meantime, news will continue to be printed since many consumers, particularly senior citizens, are likely to still prefer newspapers over tablets and smart phones. For them, newspapers will continue to be the predominant source of news such as reviews on local issues, local services, obituaries, birth notices and so on.
Furthermore, for those who have no access to the internet, newspapers will generate a tremendous role for local residents to get information about weather report, sports events, business news, local news as well as world news. Traditionally, newspapers usually contain numerous entertaining things like puzzles and crosswords; parents and kids may do these mentally challenging activities together after dinner to foster the children’s intimacy with parents.
In summary, despite the fact that browsing news online with smart phones, laptops, notebooks and tablets is much widespread, newspapers are indispensable and irreplaceable for certain groups of people and certain places that are not connected to the internet.
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