1.“学”的翻译。James Legge将 “学”翻译为“learn”,即学习,而辜鸿铭和许渊冲则翻译为“acquire knowledge”,具象化为“获取知识”。我个人比较认同后者。
2.“朋”的翻译。James Legge和许渊冲都翻译为“friends”,而辜鸿铭则翻译为“friends of congenial minds”,也就是“意气相投的朋友”。而且他还进一步阐释了朋友“来”,可不是一般的拜访(visit),而是“seek”,朋友来找你是因为你所取得的成就,暗含有一种功利心态。我个人认为没必要过度阐释。
3.“君子”的翻译。James Legge 翻译为“a man of complete virtue”,而辜鸿铭和许渊冲分别翻译为“a wise and good man”和“an intelligentman”。可以说James Legge是从道德层面来定义“君子”,也就是“道德无瑕疵的人”,而许渊冲则认为“君子”是“有智慧的人”。辜鸿铭可以说是从智慧和道德层面都对“君子”有所要求,认为“君子”应该是德才兼备之人。我个人比较认同辜氏的观点。
【James Legge】The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?"
【辜鸿铭】Confucius remarked, “It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments. But he is truly a wise and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men.
【许渊冲】Is it not a delight, said the Master, to acquire knowledge and put it into practice? Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar? Is he not an intelligentman, who is careless alike of being known or unknown?