1. 智力在很大程度上是与生俱来的东西。(extent)
我:To a large extent, intelligence is what people born with.
参考译文:To a large extent, intelligence is something that people are born with.
考点一:在很大程度上(to a large extent)
考点二:与生俱来的东西(something that people are born with)
2.工业的发展推动了人类文明,同时它也给我们带来许多意料之外的问题。(advance, meanwhile)
我:The development of industry advances human civilization, and meanwhile brings a lot of problems that we didn't think of.
参考译文:The development of Industry advanced human civilization, and meanwhile, it also caused us many unexpected problems.
考点一:人类文明(human civilization)