How to Prepare for an Interview

How to Prepare for an Interview

作者: 湛予 | 来源:发表于2018-01-18 22:55 被阅读11次

A. Ultimate Goal:
Win the job! —— every sentence you say and every action you do should not apart from it.

B. What the interviewer looks for:

  1. 胜任力 - Can you do the job?
    Knowledge, skill set, previous experience, network, resources...
  2. 匹配度 - Will you do the job?
    Cultural fit, teamwork, passion, personality...

Make yourself the perfect match.

C. Steps for your reference:

  1. Analyze the job description. What are the recruiters looking for? What key points appear for several times?
  2. Analyze your resume. What's your previous story? How can it impress the interviewer? How to demonstrate your unique selling point and persuade the interviewer that you are just the perfect match?
  3. Do some research. Pay close attention to the official website. Find every piece of information related to this Company or position through the Internet. Ask people who are currently in the industry or similar companies about their feelings. Conduct research on the future exit possibilities. During the interview, show your deep understanding of the Company and the industry trend.
  4. Estimate some typical questions and prepare relevant answers. Classic questions including self-introduction, your advantages and disadvantages, why this position, why this Company, why you? Avoid cliches, differentiate yourself from others.
  5. Prepare your questions for the interviewers. Interview is not only for you to perform and show off, but a good opportunity for you to know more about the Company, the position, your potential colleagues, future working environment, etc. Prepare smart questions that can assist you to make the right choice.
  6. Prepare your outlook. Plan in advance —— your hair style, dress, makeup.
  7. Be confident as you have done everything you can, just relax and make a pleasant conversation.



本文标题:How to Prepare for an Interview
