- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
- BEC listen and translation exerc
The intergovernmental panel on climate change released the report in Pairs at a conference of climate experts.
You will find that much travel and tourism is carried on around the world in English.
I read in the local paper the other day that the government is planning to build an airport here.
Around two thirds have not decided on a career by the time they leave school.
Most often, people are assumed that when you are listening, you are also paying attention.
When an Indian talks to a Singaporean using English, then English is the lingua franca.
He ended up being paralyzed and he got a $71 million settlement award from the hospital.
Some researchers suggested a few years ago that between 320-380 million people spoke English as a first language.
You see, business deals can be made without having to travel back and forth.
When you first signed up for a course in university, like a psychology course, chances are that you didn't really expect what was coming in your study.
I mean it takes a ton of oil, a ton of petrol before one of these big jets even takes off.
And equally important, you will learn what your audience expects from you so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion.
In the western world, at least English is a dominating language in popular culture.
The space agency has authorized him to set aside his other duties for the foreseeable future and devote his time to the hunt for the tapes.
This is the 20th century phenomenon of globalization.
One in ten young people claimed to have had no career advice during their education.
The knock-on effect of confusing and unhelpful career advice is that young people are not making the best use of their skills.
The majority of U.S. health care facilities still do not have trained interpreters on site.
Our organization helps our members to get calm and organize thoughts, and deliver them in an effective way.
As we all know, English is widely used in the world.
So far, English is also the preferred language of air traffic control in many countries and is used widely in sea travel communication.
If you're dealing with people from different cultures in any way, it's going to affect every part of your life.
They have shown that some aspects of language learning, especially syntax, are more difficult beyond a certain age.
Two helicopters scooped water from the nearby Nile River in small buckets and dumped it onto the blaze.
Today, we are very pleased to have Dr James Johnson here on our talk show.
Today, we've taken a brief look at Edward Hall's view of culture.
In addition to convey meanings with tone of voice, we can also express our intention through the ways in which we use our bodies.
Immigration from India, Pakistan, and the Middle East brought radically increased numbers of Hindus and Muslims to the US.
Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not.
They are not going to worry about all the details around it.
It is also well known that Caucasians tend to be more affluent than other ethnic groups on average.同样众所周知的是,白人往往平均比其它族裔更富裕。
There's a respect and a desire for privacy, and you also see that people might pay less attention to body language.
From 1990 to 2000, the number of Muslims in New York city grew from 600,000 to nearly 1 million.
The cause of the original fire, which belched clouds of heavy dark smoke, was unknown, and officials were investigating.
Today we'll continue our discussion on describing language.
The country's finance minister confirmed the new figure in an interview, but said the rising inflation rate was not confined to Zimbabwe alone.
So we see that many parts of the US are truly becoming more diverse while at the same time others are essentially remaining the same in terms of race, age and religion.
In general, the more idiosyncratic a feature is in a particular language, relative to other languages, the more difficult it will be to acquire.
There's more emphasis on individuality, so the concept of privacy is very very important.
The picture is more complicated than we've imagined.
In any multicultural situation, these assumptions need to be taken into account for successful interactions.
What is less discussed is the difference between the racial makeup of younger and older populations.
Vocal features are actually tones of voice.声音特征实际上是声音的语调。
Things happen when they are supposed to happen.
In this lecture, we'll look at another important aspect of language.
In the Los Angeles area, there are now more than 300 Buddhist temples.
It refers to features of communication that takes place without the use of grammar or vocabulary.
The extent of damage was not immediately known.
So it's a culture that pays little attention to time, to clock time.
There was no official word on the cause of the blaze, which ravaged a 19th century palace where parliament's upper house is located.
The expression on our face, the gestures we make and even proximity or way we sit, are some of the ways we send powerful messages about how we feel, or what we mean.
Greek firefighters planned to continue to work through the night to contain dozens of wildfires.
People in high-context cultures are considered to have what is called a polychronic attitude toward time.
Am I right in saying that a melting pot would emphasize the idea of all in one or being the same?
Fewer jobs in the United States means fewer opportunities for Mexicans to find work and send money home.
In our next lecture, we'll watch some video material, and see how people actually use paralinguistic means in communication to express their intention or desire or mood.
So we can see that there are a number of ways of altering our tone of voice. And when we do this consciously, we do it to create different effects in communication.
Analysts have said the Zimbabwean government's official inflation rate figures are conservative.
If you go into that culture, people might stand closer when they're talking to you.
This shows that racial diversity is not occurring everywhere.
A low-context culture is one in which the message, the event or the action is a separate entity.
He was interested in the relations between cultures, how cultures interact.
A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message or the action or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance.
The 95-year old iconic American brand Greyhound is taking to the British roads.
In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth.