一,文章语调(Tone),敬语(Greetings),结尾语(Complementary Closing)
● 首先,毕竟是白宫发出的文章,格式上是非常标准的政府公文。在这里科普给大家,在政圈,不成文的规定是,国家部长级别以上的官员,都要被称作 'His Excellency',表示“阁下”,是一个非常高级别的尊称。此外,外驻他国的大使,因为在政治上代表该国,也被称作“阁下”。在口头交流上,表示尊重也是要称呼对方 'His Excellency' 的。
● 此外,我们还注意到一个很有趣的点,在这封信里,特朗普是称呼金正恩为:“Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea”。这是金正恩的正式官职,但是美国既没有和朝鲜建交,也没有正式承认朝鲜,却如此称呼金正恩,在外交层面上实属罕见。
● Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America
最后,用了带有亲切感的结尾敬语‘Sincerely yours’,真的是充满敬意的警告。
比较正式的结尾敬语: Yours truly, Very truly, Yours, Respectfully;
有亲切感的结尾敬语: Sincerel, Yours sincerely,Sincerly Yours,Yours;
比较亲密的结尾敬语:Regards, Best Regards, Best wishes, Best.
● 文章开头的“善始”。
We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore.
英文国家的人们每天经常反复说的三句话就是Please,Thank you 和I am sorry。 日常生活中说的这些话反映到了电子邮件中,这篇公开信也不例外,一开篇就感谢。这里time, patience,and effort表示时间,耐心,以及努力,这三个词的搭配可以用在很多种的感谢信里。
1) 带着亲切感的回复
1.1)Your email yesterday is well-received.(来信已经收到啦。)
1.2) Thank you for your email yesterday. (感谢昨日发来的邮件。)
2) 回复对方邮件:
2.1) Thanks for your quick response. (感谢您的快速回复。)
2.2)Thanks for the update. (谢谢您的同步。)
2.3)Thanks for the additional info. (谢谢您提供的补充信息。)
2.4) Thanks again for your help. (再次感谢您的帮助。)
2.5)It was great hearing from you. (收到您的邮件真是太开心了!)
3.1) I hope you are doing well. (您好)
3.2) I hope you had a great weekend. (周末过得愉快吧!)
3.3) I hope this email finds you well. (祝好)
3.4) I hope your day is going great. (祝您今天过得很不错?)
3.5) How are you? / How is everything? / How are you doing?(您好!)
4.1) It was great talking with you the other day. (那天和您交谈真是太开心了。)
4.2)It was great meeting you yesterday. (昨天能和您见面真是太开心了。)
● “善终”:结束语部分(Closing) 通常是积极地展望一下双方未来的合作。
这篇书信的重点来了!文章写道:If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history. “如果你反悔了,我们欢迎再谈”。要知道这次机会如果错过可就太遗憾了。一篇先抑(赞美)后扬(警告)的书信便完成了。
这封信件公开后的24小时不够,特朗普在他的推特上补刀:很难过,我被迫取消与金正恩在新加坡会晤。更进一步表达特朗普非常渴望会晤金正恩的愿望, 也更增加了这封原本“绝密信”的传播力。
下一篇将继续分析英文信函“三段式”的通用写法,继续努力学习写出高逼格文书。 敬请期待,撒花~!