

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2018-10-20 18:45 被阅读77次

    印度喝过的chai10-350 rupee一杯不等,最好的还是ashram边上的大爷大叔的,Heavenly chai at 5.30 I am having three!尤其在风声震动和ganga哄哄响声中冥想一小时后。

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!

    身体从第三天开始犹如一股空气气流内部流动,好多动作都可以做到,估计确实神奇mother gangas和sarathji的效果,第四天和第五天talk我都有录音,因为讲了很多term,并不完全知道,道理都是理解的。

    我以为自己够聪明,正中间,可以把相机放在音箱后,Sharath stop my camera I was so happy it is so perfectly positioned and maybe I was not very focused he notice that! Anyhow it will happen one way or another! 我有些分心,所以他把摄像关了也是好事。

    敢于sharath talk录像了,回头翻译内容:

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!



    Lila (Hinduism) (Sanskrit: लीला, IAST līlā) or Leela, like many Sanskrit words, cannot be literally translated to English but can be loosely translated as "play" (noun). It is common to both non-dualistic and dualistic philosophicalschools, but has a markedly different significance in each. Within non-dualism, Lila is a way of describing all reality, including the cosmos, as the outcome of creative play by the divine absolute (Brahman).

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!

    lawn读书时一只猴子突然跳到我的边上抢了包里橘子,速度之快无与伦比,感谢不是我的手机;跟着我们是来自Bombay Temple 提供chanting,dancing和cooking class,我们是Cooking class 11am,Rad是Yogi plate创始人,出家人,毕业于IIT Bombay,讲很难懂的英语,提到Plant not a PLANT : organic food,Nerve system identify food as a pass way, chemical confuses body, temperament has a lot to do with food;Chemical intake of pregnant woman can result in kids gluten allergy;Food is medicinal or poison这个药食同源一个意思;


    Sattva Guna,Goodness  这个是sanskrit,指Routine of food and sleep.

    Food for mind, mood of cook and server厨师和服务人员情绪起很大作用;这也就是为啥Restaurant food for money and mother affection cooking is affection and love, tastes differently。

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!

    开始Cook:pray第一步 , open pot no pressure to food ,我负责Squash bottle削皮,动动手也好,几次想离开,但既然在此就看一下如何做Sattvik food。

    cook说:coconut has eye never fall to head, with full consciousness太有意思了,一切都和consciousness挂钩。


    首先提到周五是Sharath birthday,我们序列结束后不要做作后的体式,一起唱happy birthday,这是个cool idea!


    Parvati (Sanskrit: पार्वती, IAST: Pārvatī) or Uma (IAST: Umā) is the Hindu goddess of fertility, love and devotion; as well as of divine strength and power,Battle between goddess and god, defeated him:Navaratri (Sanskrit: नवरात्रि, literally "nine nights"), also spelled Navratri or Navarathri, is a nine nights (and ten days) Hindu festival, celebrated in the tamil month of purattasi (17th September to 17th October) every year. It is celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent.There are four seasonal Navaratri in a year. This festival in this month is called Sharada Navaratri that is the most celebrated for Goddess Durga.In India, Goddess Durga battles and emerges victorious over the buffalo demon Mahishasuran to help restore Dharma.



    杜迦女神节(Durga Puja)又称“九夜节”,是印度教的主要节日之一,也是西孟加拉邦人最大的节日,将于10月10日至10月19日举行,庆祝庆祝杜尔迦女神深不可测的力量以及荣誉。这是为纪念杜尔加女神战胜玛希哈恶魔的节日。在九夜节的第六天开始,一直到第九天,巨大的杜尔迦女神像对游客开放,到了第十天,人们会将杜迦女神神像浸入水。


    很有意思就是Eddie瑜伽30年,对Nervous system关于Vague nerve讲的非常专业,提到Posture, Chanting , breath inhale and exhale, behavior e.g. Yama  all affecting nervous system.

    提到:Darwin wrote emotion behavior:In 1872, Darwin published The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, in which he argued that all humans, and even other animals, show emotion through remarkably similar behaviors. For Darwin, emotion had an evolutionary history that could be traced across cultures and species—an unpopular view at the time. Today, many psychologists agree that certain emotions are universal to all humans, regardless of culture: anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness.

    Pro-Social behavior:increase positive mood, feel good-do good.


    讲了故事关于shiva自我牺牲:The process releases a number of things from the ocean. One product is the lethal poison known as Halahala. This could contaminate the ocean and destroy all of creation. To save everyone Lord Shiva inhales the poison in an act of self-sacrifice but Parvati rescues him by pressing his neck to stop the poison from spreading. As a result, the color of Lord Shiva's neck turns blue.


    eddie提到一种不常见Mouth cancer only 40 in world,在治疗过程中一直mentally primary serial,最后痊愈。

    Prarabdha karma is a certain amount of information allotted for this life. Karma burned out quickly for Indian, west accumulate more karma than Indian; the best way of dissolving karma by no reaction

    每个人行为都是Action impression repetition,经常去喜欢餐厅就是此表现。


    Yoga Sutra提到5 sins:The more each individual fights them, the longer will be the life of Dharma in this yuga.

    kama — lust,greed;krodha — anger.;lobha — greed;moha — delusory emotional attachment or temptation;mada — pride, hubris, (being possessed by);matsarya — envy, jealousy.

    还有Not knowing : Iness , bondage,ignorance,Self identification

    解决方案是3 solutions : Asana,chanting,surrender to God

    pattabhi jois Guruji说 surrender = offer everything,bakti yoga就是这个含义。


    Mood or emotion to that action is bhava:The Sanskrit word "bhāva" (भाव) means "emotion, sentiment, state of body or mind, disposition and character",while "bhava" (भव) means "being, worldly existence, becoming, birth, be, production, origin". The former term is rooted in latter, and in some context also means "becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance" while connoting the condition thereof.

    In Buddhism, bhava denotes the continuity of becoming (reincarnating) in one of the realms of existence。


    学生问Eddie,Sharathji说第一序列已经足够,为啥如此多序列,eddie回答“Most struggled mind goes to intermedia ashtanga, if u no peace with primary u go 2nd, if still not then further............

    Robert提到Many enlightened by bakti yoga not Hatha yoga;Robert说自己多年瑜伽后 : More calm , used to bother not any more,Create boundary mind discipline。

    提到Mother krishpai? South,不确定哪一个。

    North: Anandamayi Ma (born Nirmala Sundari; 30 April 1896 – 27 August 1982) was an Indian Hindu spiritual leader, described by Sivananda Saraswati (of the Divine Life Society) as "the most perfect flower the Indian soil has produced."[3]Precognition, faith healing and miracles were attributed to her by her followers. Paramahansa Yogananda translates the Sanskrit epithet Anandamayi as "Joy-permeated" in English. This name was given to her by her devotees in the 1920s to describe her perpetual state of divine joy.

    自己20 years with guru,但guru还在working on his own karma, bad temper.


    建议Morning dip of Ganga as early as possible,Ganga is only one with three gods。

    结果我出来chai,碰见一个当地boy Ash,邀请我一起去他爷爷volunteer temple,我虔诚donate一些rupee,之后他带我去了一个当地人的water fall,带着他的侄子krishna,5岁,在fasting,给他coconut water都不喝,Ash对我iPhone +爱不释手,我几乎要送给他了,考虑到所有work contact就没冲动,彻底被holy water浸透,当地人都不敢站在下面,我豁出去了。ash想要成为olympic runner,但已经不上学,和祖父一起住,没有收入,靠叔叔和祖父一点收入,和父母关系不好;我都不知道如何帮助他,除了给些钱和建议他坚持自己梦想,但我们回到ashram,他不敢收我的钱,说有人看着,看来ashram管理表面松弛实际很严格。我必须和他们告别回去换衣服,一路上都是注视。

    同学建议:Abhyanga和Shirodhara,ashram receptionist建议看Chandani chowk to China movie,剑桥男士建议读书Mother of revelation or revelation of the mother?

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!


    question:Open Sexual relationship with spiritual life if ok?

    S:Ask yourself not in the name of spiritual life if u are happy, even dog knows right and wrong.

    Happiness comes and goes: not superficial happiness but deep joy, it will not be up and down ; up 24 hours is tiring

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!

    我的问题是:how to find who we are? Why we so much focus on happiness, is it against what buddlism said happiness coming and going, not attach to create more craving?

    S回到:Who we are: not wave but ocean,举例Snorkeling and deep diver,we are Emptiness and everything,Look within not outside.

    我同意:My own question and answer still too much external focused

    之前几个漂亮男孩子chanting:Singing so beautiful but always a sadness

    朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花! 朝圣yatra4:瑜伽练得程度深是因为内心无法平静?成为海洋而不是浪花!

    她站起来,优雅的双手合十,看向我:When she look at me with the compassion like knowing all my pain I almost tearing !

    她提到过下午Aarti好处是happy hour but No hangover,我心想我每天cava to numb

    ,anyhow I do not have hangover with numbing myself !




      • ZHOULI0503:是对这个印度小娃真的喜欢啊 好多次亮相 发自内心的开怀大笑真的极具感染力,喜欢

