

作者: 章非 | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 15:35 被阅读353次

Making your New Year’s resolution stick

from APA Help Center



Lose weight? Check. Start exercising? Check. Stop smoking? Check.


It can be daunting when your list of New Year’s Resolutions is as long as your holiday shopping list. In addition to the post-holiday slump, not being able to keep your resolutions by February, March or even late January may increase your anxiety. When your holiday decorations are packed up and stored away, the frustration of an unused gym membership or other reminders of failed resolutions can make the later winter months feel hopeless.

当你的新年计划清单与你的假日购物清单一样长的时候,你可能会感觉到害怕。节后综合症引起的情绪低迷,让你在2月,3月,甚至1月下旬都没有办法执行你的计划,这会更加增加你的焦虑。 当你在用于节日的装饰都被打包放起来之后,没有用过的健身卡和种种夭折的计划都会让你在冬天的最后几个月感到绝望无比。

However, it is important to remember that the New Year isn’t meant to serve as a catalyst for sweeping character changes. It is a time for people to reflect on their past year’s behavior and promise to make positive lifestyle changes. “Setting small, attainable goals throughout the year, instead of a singular, overwhelming goal on January 1 can help you reach whatever it is you strive for,” says psychologist Lynn Bufka, PhD. “Remember, it is not the extent of the change that matters, but rather the act of recognizing that lifestyle change is important and working toward it, one step at a time.”

重要的是你要明白,新一年的开始并不意味着你能够彻底的改头换面,而是反思过去一年并为新一年做出承诺和开始积极生活的开始。心理学家Lynn Bufka博士认为:“不管你怎么努力,在一年里去不断设定和完成小的、可实现的目标能够实现的程度,远远大于你在新一年开始,就去做一个庞大无比的、压倒一切的大计划。记住,重要的不是你能改变多少,而是你开始认识到改变生活方式是很重要的,并且能够朝着目标的方向一步一步地去努力。”

By making your resolutions realistic, there is a greater chance that you will keep them throughout the year, incorporating healthy behavior into your everyday life. APA offers these tips when thinking about a News Year’s resolution:

通过你不断地把你的计划变得更加实际,你将更容易在一年中都保持去实行它们,并且将健康的行为方式纳入你的日常生活。 APA提示你,在制定新一年的计划时,要注意的要点如下:

Start small


Make resolutions that you think you can keep. If, for example, your aim is to exercise more frequently, schedule three or four days a week at the gym instead of seven. If you would like to eat healthier, try replacing dessert with something else you enjoy, like fruit or yogurt, instead of seeing your diet as a form of punishment.


Change one behavior at a time


Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time. Thus, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that you have to reassess everything in your life. Instead, work toward changing one thing at a time.


Talk about it


Share your experiences with family and friends. Consider joining a support group to reach your goals, such as a workout class at your gym or a group of coworkers quitting smoking. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with makes your journey to a healthier lifestyle that much easier and less intimidating.


Don’t beat yourself up


Perfection is unattainable. Remember that minor missteps when reaching your goals are completely normal and OK. Don’t give up completely because you ate a brownie and broke your diet, or skipped the gym for a week because you were busy. Everyone has ups and downs; resolve to recover from your mistakes and get back on track.


Ask for support


Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking professional help. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body. They can offer strategies as to how to adjust your goals so that they are attainable, as well as help you change unhealthy behaviors and address emotional issues.




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