
作者: Gokid枸杞 | 来源:发表于2018-01-06 13:37 被阅读45次

    作者:Misty Adoniou












    2. 语音资料都该是免费的








    在英格兰和澳大利亚,这样的教育变革是由前教育部长Gove and Pyne发起的,政治家们或许个人成就卓越,但是他们不是教育家,也不是教育研究者。


    5. 自然拼读课程设置有问题





    “ian”是以“ic”为结尾的单词的后缀,并使原意“做什么什么”成为“做什么什么的人”。所以“技术”(technic)一词加上ian后成为“技师”(technical),“魔术”(magic) 一词加上ian后成为“魔术师”(magician),“电的”(electric) 一词加上ian后成为变成“电工”(electrician).”

    这样的知识有助于学习拼读技巧,提升词汇量并加深理解。告诉孩子们“cian”发音为“shun” 并不会有这样的效果。

    6. 涂色不能帮孩子认字



    7. 提升读写能力从来没什么捷径











    Misty Adoniou,





    Seven things to consider before you buy into phonics programs

    Author Misty Adoniou

    Phonics programs are not helpful for all learners.

    Phonics, or teaching reading, writing and spelling throughsounds, is often touted as the golden path to reading and writing.

    National curricula in England and Australia have been rejiggedto increase their focus on phonics, and entrepreneurs and publishers haverushed to fill the space with phonics programs and resources.

    But before you buy their wares, consider the following.

    1. English is not a phoneticlanguage

    This may be an inconvenient truth for those promoting phonicsprograms, but English is not a phonetic language and never has been.

    English began about 1500 years ago as a trio of Germanicdialects brought over to the islands we now know as the British Isles. Latinspeaking missionaries arrived soon after to convert the pagans to Christianity.They also began to write the local lingo down, using their Latin alphabet.

    The Latin alphabet was a good phonetic match for spoken Latin,but it was not a good match for spoken Old English.

    There were sounds in Old English that simply didn’t exist inspoken Latin, so there were no Latin letters for them. And there were sounds inLatin that didn’t exist in Old English, which left some Latin letterslanguishing.

    Those letters were repurposed and some new letters wereintroduced. It was a messy match, and 1500 years of language evolution has onlyincreased the distance between the sounds we make, and the letters we write.

    As a result, English is alphabetic, but not phonetic. There is asimple sound letter match in only about 12% of words in English. How much ofyour literacy programming and budget do you want to allocate to that statistic?

    2. Sounds are free

    The sounds and letters of the English language are the ultimateopen access knowledge. Buying them in a packaged program is just a con.

    If you weren’t shown the sound-letter relationships in yourteaching degree, shame on your degree, but in any case you can Google them orfind them in the preface of a good dictionary.

    3. Knowing your sounds is not thesame as reading

    I know all my sounds in French. I even sound reasonablyconvincing - in an Inspector Clouseau kind of way - when I “read” French. But Ihave no comprehension, so I’m not really reading.

    Children who are failing in literacy in upper primary and highschool are not failing because they don’t know their sounds. They are failingbecause they can’t comprehend.

    Observe their attempts to read, write and spell and one thing isvery clear - they know their sounds, and they over rely on them. Give them aphonics program and you are giving them more of what isn’t working for them.

    4. Politicians are not educators

    The push for phonics in England and Australia was spearheadedvery conspicuously, almost personally, by the respective former Education MinistersGove and Pyne. Politicians may have many skills… but they are not educators,and they are not educational researchers.

    Educational reforms should not be shaped by personalpredilections or political agendas.

    5. Programs get it wrong

    The narrow focus on sounds and letter patterns in phonicsprograms obscures more useful information for learning to read, write andspell. On occasion the material presented is just plain wrong.

    A popular phonics workbook offers the following explanation forthe word “technician”.

    “Technician is atechnical word. Although it is pronounced ‘shun’ at the end, it belongs to theword family ending in ‘cian’”

    Teaching “cian” as a word family is linguistically inaccurate,and fails to teach how the word “technician” actually works.

    “ian” is the suffix we attach to base words ending in “ic”, toturn them into the person who does the base word. So “technic” becomes“technician”, “magic” becomes “magician”, “electric” becomes “electrician” etc.

    This knowledge develops spelling, builds vocabulary andincreases reading comprehension. Being told that “cian” makes the “shun” sounddoes none of this.

    6. Colouring-in is not literacy

    Sticking balls of crepe paper on the letter “j” is not a gooduse of literacy learning time. Neither is colouring in all the pictures on theworksheet that start with “b”, particularly if you thought that picture of thebeads was a necklace. And is that a jar or a bottle?

    Busy work does not teach children to read and write.

    7. There are no easy routes to literacy

    Learning to read, write and spell is complex. The brain is nothardwired for literacy in the way it is hardwired for speech.

    Each individual brain has to learn to read and write, andbecause our brains, our genes and our environments are all different, thepathways to literacy that our brains construct will be different.

    If a single program could respond to this diversity then wewould have solved the literacy problem a few hundred years ago when printedtexts for the masses first took off.

    Of course there are accounts of students whose progress wasturned around by a phonics program - the comments section of this post will nodoubt have some of those testimonials - but there are many more who languish inthose programs.

    Phonics programs can be helpful for students with veryparticular learning needs, but solutions to pointy end problems are not helpfulfor all learners.

    The alternative?

    Consider what the problem is that you are trying to solve beforeyou commit to buying a phonics program.

    If the problem is your students write phonetically, and cannotread phonically irregular words, then more phonics is not the solution.

    If the problems are reading comprehension and quality ofwriting, then invest in your library and your staff. Buy quality literature andspend money on professional learning.



