Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in England and died in 1882 at the age of seventy-three, buried in Westminster Abbey in London. He was a well-known British geologist, naturalist and biologist with an interesting personal background, who outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection in On the Origin of Species and was widely recognized as one of the most influential figures in human history.
To begin with, Charles Darwin was a British geologist, naturalist and biologist with an interesting personal background. He was always attracted to the sciences during his growing up. His father, a doctor, sent him to the Edinburgh University to study medicine when he was sixteen. His father particularly hoped he would successfully receive a medical degree at Edinburgh University and become a medical doctor. However, it was said that the sight of blood made Darwin sick. Then he got a bachelor of arts degree in Christ's College in Cambridge, where he began to investigate marine invertebrates and had a great passion for natural history. His mentor suggested him to join a voyage on the HMS Beagle. Crucially, during this trip, he collected numbers of evidence such as birds, fossils and plants for the theory of evolution by natural selection.
In addition, Charles Darwin outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection with compelling evidence in On the Origin of Species. In his theory, he proposed that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors. Species that successfully adapted the environmental changing survived and reproduced, while those failed to evolve died. This scientific discovery explains the diversity of life in the world, unifying theory of the life sciences. It was popular, but also controversial at that time. Now, almost his ideas have been confirmed and widely accepted by modern science.
Finally, Charles Darwin was widely recognized as one of the most influential figures in human history. Charles Darwin was definitely a rare all-rounder. His theory greatly promoted the development of biology and also influenced the fields of economy, politics and literature. However, some of his ideas were utilized to support theories such as “social Darwinism” and eugenics, which advocate the elimination of people who are considered unsuitable for society. Notably, people agreed his contributions to science far outweigh these negative influences.
To conclude, Charles Darwin was a distinguished British geologist, naturalist and biologist with interesting background, who developed a theory of evolution based on natural selection in On the Origin of Species and was widely recognized as one of the most influential figures in human history. His theory was considered as a foundational concept in nature and biology. Even though the views of Charles Darwin and “social Darwinism” remain controversial, it is undeniable that his theory of evolution by natural selection has made great contributions to scientific research in nature and biology.
