

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-02-21 08:32 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    What you guys don't understand is 你们男生不懂
    for us, kissing is as important as any part of it. 亲吻对女生的重要性
    Yeah, right. 没错
    You serious? 真的?
    Oh, yeah. 真的
    Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 初吻可以让你明白一切
    Absolutely.Yeah, I think, for us 当然就是 我觉得对于男生
    kissing is pretty much like an opening act. 接吻很大程度上像是序幕!
    I mean, it's like the standup comedian you have to sit through. 像是你听Pink Floyd的音乐会之前不得不忍受的
    before Pink Floyd comes out. 笑星们的表演一样
    Yeah, and it's not that we don't like the comedian. 对 我们并非讨厌脱口秀
    It's just that that's not... 但那不是
    ...why we bought the ticket. 我们买票的原因
    See, the problem is, though 问题出在于
    after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was 演唱会结束后 不论表演有多精采
    you girls are always looking for the comedian again. 你们女生总还想再看脱口秀
    I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic 我们在车上奋力杀出车阵
    basically just trying to stay awake. 只是拼命让自己别睡着
    Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. 是哦 给你一个建议 叫脱口秀主持人再度上场
    Otherwise, you're gonna find yourself 否则下次
    sitting at home listening to that album alone. 你们只能独自坐家里听唱片
    Are we still talking about sex? 我们还在谈论性吗?
    No, it's good. It is good. 不 这样很好
    It's just that, doesn't she seem a little angry? 只是她看起来是不是有点烦恼吗?
    Well, she has issues. 她有麻烦事
    Does she? 她有吗?
    He's out banging other women over the head with a club 他在外头乱搞女人
    while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet. 而她却待家里设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道
    Marsha, see, these are cave people. 玛莎 他们是穴居人
    Okay, they have issues like: 他们关心的问题是
    "Gee, that glacier's getting kind of close." See? 冰河愈来愈接近了 懂吗?
    Speaking of issues, isn't that your exwife? 谈到问题 那不是你前妻吗?
    My...no, no.Yes, it is. Carol, hi. 我的?不是是的,她是 嘿,你好
    Okay. Yes. Yes, it is. 是的,她是
    How about I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age? 我到冰河期找你怎么样?
    Hi.Hi. 嗨!嗨!
    So... 那么
    You look great. 你的气色好极了
    I hate that. 我讨厌看到这样
    Sorry. Thanks. You look good too. 抱歉 谢了 你的气色也很好
    Well, you know, in here, anyone who 在这儿任何人都
    stands erect 能直立...
    So, what's new? Still a...A lesbian? 最近如何?还是...女同志?
    You never know. 想问就问!
    How's, um? How's the family? 最近呃家庭生活如何?
    Marty's still totally paranoid. 玛蒂仍然神经兮兮的
    Oh, and...Carol, why are you here, Carol? 喔, 卡萝你为何来这儿?
    I'm pregnant.Pregnant. 我怀孕了怀孕
    Oh. Looks like she didn't leave in such a hurry after all. 喔 看那 她似乎不急着离开
    I think this is the episode of Three's Company 人和人 让人讨厌的就是有
    where's there's some kind of misunderstanding. 误会
    Then I've already seen this one. 我看过这一集
    Are you through with that? Thanks. 喝完没?谢谢
    Yeah, sorry, the swallowing slowed me down. 抱歉 吞下去的时间太慢
    Whose little ball of paper is this? 这是谁的小纸团?
    Oh, that would be mine. 我的
    See, I wrote a note to myself, then I didn't need it. 我写给自己一张便条 后来觉得自己不需要
    So I balled it up and now I wish I was dead. 于是将它揉成纸团 我现在不想活了!
    She already fluffed that pillow. 她已经拍松过那个枕头
    Monica, you know, you already fluffed... 摩妮卡 你已经拍过了枕头了
    But it's fine. 但是它很好
    Look, I'm sorry. 抱歉 各位
    I don't want to give them any more ammunition than they have. 我只是不想 让他们有藉题发挥的机会
    Yes, we know how cruel a parent can be 没错 我们都知道 父母对孩子的枕头
    about the flatness of a child's pillow. 要求有多苛刻
    Monica?Hi. 摩妮卡?嗨
    Monica,um,you're scaring me. 摩妮卡 你吓到我了
    I mean, you're, like, all chaotic and twirly, you know? 你慌慌张张的
    Not in a good way. 而且显得不是很好
    Yeah, calm down. 冷静
    You don't see Ross getting all chaotic and twirly every time they come. 你没见过每次他们来时 罗斯慌张的样子
    That's because, as far as my parents are concerned, Ross can do no wrong. 因为在我爸妈心目中 罗斯不可能犯错
    You see, he's the prince. 他是个王子
    Apparently they had some big ceremony before I was born. 显然 他们在我出生前有个大型仪式
    Ew, ew, ew.
    What?Ugly Naked Guy got a ThighMaster. 怎么了?丑陋裸男有个"美腿器"
    Has anybody seen my engagement ring?Yeah, it's beautiful. 有人看见我的订婚戒指吗?有 它真漂亮
    Oh, God. Oh, God. 糟了 糟了
    Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.No, don't touch that. 哦 天呐不要动它们
    Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough having to give it back to him. 明天就要还他戒指 我似乎还不够担心
    "Hi, Barry, remember me? I'm the girl 巴瑞 记得我吗? 我是那个
    that stomped on your heart in front of your entire family" 让你在亲友面前出糗的人
    Oh, God. Now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring 天啊 如今我必须还他戒指 戒指却不见了
    which makes it so much harder. 叫我如何面对他!
    Easy, Rach, we'll find it. Won't we? 别急 我们会找到的 对不?
    Oh,yeah.Okay,look 哦 必须滴好的 想想
    When did you have it on last? 你最后记得它是什么时候?
    Doy. Probably right before she lost it. "孩仔" 大概是在遗失之前
    You don't get a lot of "doy" these days. 这年头说"孩仔"的人不多
    I know I had it this morning. 我今天早上还戴它
    I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with 我在厨房戴着做...
    Dinah? 面条?
    Oh, don't be mad. 别生气
    You didn't.Oh, I'm sorry. 你做的好事?对不起
    I gave you one job. 我只给了你一件事干! (你却把它搞砸了!)
    Oh, but look how straight those noodles are. 你看面条现在变得多直
    Monica, you know that's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagna. 摩妮卡在意大利面中找订婚戒指不是那样找的
    I just can't do it. 我办不到
    Boys 伙计们!
    We're going in. 我们上
    Hi. 嗨...
    Oh,that is not a happy"Hi." 这不是个高兴的问候!
    Carol's pregnant. 卡萝怀孕了
    Oh, I found it. 我找到了
    Well, what? What? 什,什,什么?
    Do that for another two hours 你(的表情)再保持这样两小时
    you might be where I am right about now. 就会变成我现在这样
    Kind of puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon? 这样的话 枕头的事就可先放在一旁?是不是?
    Well, now, how do you fit into this whole thing? 你打算怎么处理(面对)整件事?
    Well, Carol says she and Susan want me to be involved. 卡萝说她和苏珊想让我加人
    But if I'm not comfortable with it, I don't have to be involved. 但是对这件事我不太感到舒服, 我不想卷进去
    Basically, it's totally up to me. 一切由我做决定
    She is so great. I miss her. 她人好好 我真想念她
    What does she mean by "involved"? 她所谓的"加入"代表什么?
    I mean, presumably, the biggest part of your job is done. 我猜,你大部分的工作已经结束了
    Anyway, they want me to go down to this 总之 她们要我和她们去做
    sonogram thing with them tomorrow. B超检查
    So, what are you gonna do? 罗斯!你打算怎么做?
    I have no idea. 我也不知道
    No matter what I do, though, I'm still gonna be a father. 不管我怎么做 我还是孩子的爹
    Well, this is still ruined, right? 面已经被搅乱了 不是吗?
    Oh. Martha Lugwin's daughter is gonna call you. 玛莎路金的女儿会打电话给你
    Mm. What's that curry taste? 怎么会有咖哩味?
    Curry. 因为有放咖哩
    I think they're great. I really do. 这东西很好吃 真的
    You remember the Lugwins? 你还记得路金一家人?
    The big one had a thing for you, didn't she? 他们的大女儿喜欢你对不?
    They all had a thing for him. 他们家的女儿都喜欢他
    Oh, Mom. 不要这样,妈妈
    I'm sorry. Why is this girl going to call me? 抱歉她为何要打电话给我?
    Oh, she just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking or food 她刚毕业 想找份烹饪的工作吧
    or I don't know. 可能
    Anyway, I told her you had a restaurant, so... 我告诉她你开了一家餐馆
    No, Mom. I don't have a restaurant. I work in a restaurant. 不 妈 我没开餐馆 我在餐厅工作
    Well, they don't have to know that. 呃 他们不需要知道
    Ross, could you come and help me with the spaghetti. 罗斯能帮我做义大利面吗?
    Yes. 好的
    Oh, we're having spaghetti. That's... 我们吃意大利面呀 那也太
    easy. 简单了
    I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish on my part 我知道这样要求过于自私
    but were you planning on bringing up 你能不能和他们说一下
    the whole baby lesbian thing? 小孩 女同性恋之类的事?
    Because I think it might take some of the heat off me. 因为这样可以让我喘口气
    What that Rachel did to her life? We ran into her parents at the club. 瑞秋到底怎么了? 我们在俱乐部遇见她父母
    They were not playing very well. 他们很不开心
    I'm not gonna tell you what they spent on that wedding 我不想讲他们为此婚礼花了些什么
    but $40,000 is a lot of money. 但是4万块不是个小数目?
    Well,at least she had the chance 但是至少瑞秋还有机会
    to leave a man at the altar. 在举行婚礼之际离开那个男人
    What's that supposed to mean?Nothing. 什么意思?没什么
    It's an expression.No, it's not. 随便说说不 不是的!
    Don't listen to your mother. 别听你妈乱讲话
    You're independent and you always have been. 你一直都很独立
    Even when you were a kid, and you were chubby 就连你小时候 胖嘟嘟
    and you had no friends, you were just fine. 的一个朋友也没有 你还是活得好好的
    You'd read alone in your room. And your puzzles 你会待在你房里看书玩拼图




