——说明:原文作者里奥·巴伯塔(原文链接:How to Write Every Day BY LEO BABAUTA)版权公开,译文版权归属我本人。译文转载请简信联系。——
I write every single day. I do it for a living, of course, but I think writing daily has allowed me to do it for a living.
I journal, I write blog posts, courses for my Sea Change program, books and ebooks. For fun, I’ve written 50,000 words of a novel for NaNoWriMo, and another year I wrote 110,000. For years, I wrote newspaper articles and opinion columns. None of this is to brag, but to show the kind of writing I do when I write daily.
The Benefits
Writing every day has helped me in so many ways. Just to name a few:
• My writing skills have improved with the years.我写作技巧日渐提高。
• I’m able to write faster, type faster, with so much practice.大量练习让我写作更高效,打字更快。
• I can clarify my thinking better because of writing regularly.定期写作让我思路更清晰。
• I’m able to think from the reader’s perspective, which helps me in lots of life situations.我能从读者的角度思考,有助于我理解多样的人生境遇。
• I am forced to reflect on my life, which deepens my learning.我必须每天反思,这深化了学习。
• I am forced to figure out how to motivate myself to write regularly.我必须想办法激励自己定期写作。
• I learn to create a regular practice, as I do with meditation, exercise and eating healthily. 我学会了定期训练,比如我冥想,锻炼,健康饮食。
• I learn to overcome perfection and put things out there to be judged, which helps me to embrace failure and messiness. 我学会克服完美主义思想,接受评价,这有助于我面对失败和混乱。
• I learn to overcome distraction and procrastination. 我学会了克服干扰和拖延症。
There are many more benefits too, from embracing uncertainty to find a way to express the soul of my being. Not small feats, I think.还有很多好处,包括面对不确定性,找到一种方式表达我的灵魂。我想,这堪称壮举。
So how do you write daily? I’ll share a few ideas that work for me.
How to Write Daily
What works for you will be different than what I do, but I thought I’d share what has helped me:
1. Most important: Have a great reason. The rest of this doesn’t matter if you skip this step. Answer this question: Why do you want to write every day? If it’s because it sounds fun, sounds cool, sounds nice … you’ll abandon it when you face discomfort. If you want to do it to help someone else, to make the world a better place, to lift someone’s spirits, to reduce your pain, to find a way to express your deeper self … then you can call on this deeper reason when things get difficult.
2. Block off undistracted time. All you need is 10 minutes a day. But you have to block off those 10 minutes, and treat them as an unmissable appointment. You wouldn’t tell your doctor that you’ll get to your appointment with her “after checking your email and Facebook just one more time” would you? Then don’t do that to your writing appointment. This is undistracted time, so shut everything down, and treat this space as sacred. Have a place you write, treat it like your daily prayers, and be ready before the appointment starts.
3. Don’t let yourself forget. What would you do if you absolutely couldn’t forget an appointment? You might write it on your calendar, set an alarm, even put up a note where you couldn’t miss it. You might ask someone else to remind you. Do all those things.
4. Do it in a sprint. Some people think they need to write for an hour or two to make it count. But a task that big will seem daunting. Instead, write for 5 minutes. Or 10. Something small and doable. Then put your full focus and write your ass off for those 10 minutes, like you’re running to the love of your life after a long separation.
5. Practice mindfulness. You can treat writing as a meditation — it’s a way to put everything aside but you and the writing, to let your thoughts become words on the page, to see your urges to run, the stories you’re telling yourself about yourself and your life. Don’t simply rush through the writing process and treat it as a chore — notice when your mind is complaining, notice the texture of the room around you, notice how your body feels as you sit and write, and embrace the moment.
6. Practice gratitude. As you practice mindfulness, notice the awesomeness of this moment of self-expression. It’s so easy to take this for granted, and want to go do something else. But instead, pause and see what you can appreciate about this writing time. What is beautiful? What are you taking for granted? For me, I am grateful just to have the opportunity to write, to help others, to share what I am learning about this world. And having a roof over my head, not starving and not being in incredible pain, being able to see light and colors and hear the music of the world … these are simply incredible!
7. Embrace imperfection. Writing is about letting go of our ideals, and just doing anyway, even if we can’t have perfection. If we only wanted to write amazing things, instead of sucky first drafts, we’d never write. So we have to be messy, let ourselves not be good at something, put it out anyway, and embrace the imperfection of life.
8. Don’t let your mind run (for a little while). Your mind will want to run from the writing. This is normal. The mind doesn’t like uncertainty and discomfort. You’ll want to go check email, check blogs, check social media, check news, go clean your kitchen. Notice this urge, and then sit with it. Don’t run.
So that might seem like a lot, but in truth it’s pretty simple. Have a big reason, block off the time, set unforgettable reminders, do it in short bursts, and be mindful, grateful, and focused.
Practicing this on a daily basis helps you form some incredibly useful skills of staying with something and not running to distractions, learning to express yourself, sticking to a regular habit, and being mindful and grateful. These help in all areas of life, and I highly recommend you start today.
对我来说,每天写作有两个最明显的好处,第一,有效治疗了拖延症。如果不是因为想着要写些什么,很多时候我也就没那么积极,时间一躺而过。自从下决心每天都写点什么以后,我就开始学习如何发现主题,如何组织文章构架(提纲),如何填充文章内容,空余时间我的脑子也在运作,思考相关的内容,用better notes(我觉得最好用的便签本app)记录所有的主题和灵感,以及提纲半成品(可以在关键词前面加#,这样可以按关键词搜索查看)。