少的力量 (2)| The power of less(2)

少的力量 (2)| The power of less(2)

作者: enjoyy_enjoyy | 来源:发表于2018-01-03 11:37 被阅读7次

上篇文章《少的力量》 | The power of less中,谈到要把有限的时间和精力放在最重要的事情上,这样才能让时间和精力的效益最大化。

  • 从你要做的事情的清单里,清除那些不那么重要的事,要设定进入清单的限制




  • 选出最本质、最重要的事;


  • 怎样选择最重要的事:

一、 要看你的价值观是什么。
1、 什么事是你最在乎的。
2、 你想拥有什么样的品质,
3、 生活中你有什么样的原则。
1、 你想做成的事是什么。
2、 你爱的是什么。

  • 需要和欲望的PK


  • 分清楚最重要的事,是简化事情的第一步也是最重要的一步,这样你就能更有效率。


  • 怎样选择最重要事情:



  • 实行一个目标系统。


  • 简单计划清单


  • 为什么不是一件最重要的计划?

但不幸的是,事实并非如此,我们必须等到任务、信息、其它事都完成或具备条件后,才能进行下一步,所以我们是多任务执行者, 不是在任务级层面上,而是在计划级的层面上。

  • 我发现在计划层面的多任务类型中,三个计划是最有效率的,超过三个计划,效率就会降低。

  • 在这个系统中,一个计划不应超过一个月,一两个星期最好。

  • 要把长期计划拆分成小的计划。


  • 简化任务是最重要的步骤。


所有图片来自: cn.bing.com/images



Some words excerpt from the book The power of less.

It’s based on your experience with that type of activity, and based on what you think your ideal is.
The next step is to test it out, to see if that limit works for you. Is it a limit you can reasonably stick to?
Are you able to get much more work done with this limit?
until you make that limit a part of your daily routine. Once it’s a habit, you can move on to the next area of your life.
So setting limits for anything else will work the same way:

  • Choosing the Essential, and Simplifying.

Once you know what’s essential, you can reduce your projects, your tasks, your stream of incoming information, your commitments, your clutter.
You just have to eliminate everything that’s not essential.

  • How to chose the essential.

What are your values?
Values are simply knowing what things are most important to you.
Think about the things that really matter to you,

the qualities you want to have,
the principles you want live your life by.
Once you’ve identified these values, everything you do and choose should follow from those.
2.What are your goals?
3.What do you want to achieve in life?
How about over the next year?
How about this month? And today?
If you know what you’re trying to achieve, you can determine if an action or item will help you achieve it.
What do you love?
Think about what you love, who you love to spend time with, what you love doing.

  • What is important to you?

Along the same lines, make a list of the most important things in your life, in your work, or in whatever area you’re thinking about.

  • What has the biggest impact?

If you have a choice to make a list of projects or tasks, think about which project or task will make the biggest difference in your life or career.
What will have the biggest effect on everything else?

  • Needs vs. wants.

Which items do you actually need, and which ones are just things you want?
If you can identify needs, you can eliminate most of the wants, which are nonessential.
Once you eliminate some of the nonessential stuff, you are left with the more essential things on the list.
identifying the essentials is the first and most important step in simplifying things so that you can be more effective.

  • The key is to take a few moments (or hours, or days, if necessary) to stop what you’re doing and think about it in a broader perspective.

Are you focusing on the essentials?
What are the essentials? Can you eliminate the nonessentials?
Take the time to ask yourself the questions above and you’ll do a much better job of honing in on what you really need to do, and really want to do—a better job of focusing on what’s important, and on getting the important things done.


Here are some ways you can apply the essentials questions
those about values and goals and the things you love.


* Yearly goals:

Work projects and tasks:
E-mails, Finances:
Regular review

  • Simplifying—Eliminating the Nonessential

Let’s say you have a task list, for example, and you’ve identified the top three things you need to do on that list.
you’d want to eliminate as many of the nonessential things on the list as possible then delegating other tasks that can be done by coworkers,
and finally postponing assignments that you do need to get done but that don’t need to be done today.
The hard part comes when others want you to get something done, but you don’t think it’s essential.
In that case, you’ll have to learn to say “no.” others will start to respect you for being honest about what commitments you can take on without overloading yourself, and they will start to respect your time if you respect it first.

  • Simple Goals and Projects

I’ve always been enthusiastic about setting and starting new goals,
my list of things I want to achieve seems to grow faster than I progress on any of those goals. It’s easy to set goals, but extremely difficult to achieve them if they’re goals worth achieving.
Tackling a goal takes energy and focus and motivation,

Taking on many goals at once spreads out your available energy and focus and motivation,

I’ll look at ways to narrow your focus on your projects so that you can complete them more effectively and move forward on your goals.

We’ll apply limitations to our projects to increase our effectiveness.


Choose a goal.
Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish over the next few years.
choose just one, and focus completely on that goal until you can check it off the list.

the stronger your desire, the more likely you are to actually stick with that goal until you’re finished.

I also recommend that you choose a goal that will take about six months to a year to complete.
Any longer than a year, and you will have problems maintaining your focus, and might become overwhelmed. If it’s much shorter than six months, it might not be something worthy of your efforts.

  • Break it down to a sub-goal.

Once you’ve decided on your One Goal, the next step is to focus on a smaller sub-goal that you can accomplish in the next month or two.
The reason for a sub-goal is to create shorter steps that are more immediately achievable than a larger, yearlong goal might be.
If you don’t break a goal into smaller steps, you can become overwhelmed by such a large and vague goal.

** Weekly goal.

Each week, create a weekly goal that will move you closer to your sub-goal.

*** Daily action.

Then each day, choose one action that will move you closer to your weekly goal.
Make this action your most important task for the day.

Do it first, before you do anything else.
This will help keep you focused on your One Goal.

You set One Goal for the year (it can be set at any time—you don’t have to wait for January). You set a sub-goal that will take a month or two to complete. Each week you set a weekly goal. Each day you choose a task that will move you to that weekly goal and make that your most important task of the day.


List all the projects you have going on in your life,
Too many projects lead to ineffectiveness.
Choose just the top three projects on your list. Don’t choose three from each area of your life
This list of three projects is your Simple Projects List.

Everything else goes on a second list, which we’ll call the “On Deck List.” You’ll probably still get to these projects on your On Deck List, but you won’t be working on them right now. They’re on hold until you complete the three projects on your Simple Projects List.

  • In this system I’m recommending, you don’t move a project from the On Deck List to the Simple Projects List until you finish all three projects on your Simple Projects List. Not just one, but all three.
    Why? Because this will ensure that you don’t leave one of the top three projects sitting uncompleted while you keep moving new projects onto your active list.

It will ensure that you focus on completion of all of your top three projects, not just one or two.
The top three projects on your Simple Projects List will be your entire focus until you finish all three, and then the next three projects you move onto this active list will be your focus.
This ensures that you aren’t spreading your focus too thin and that you’re completing your projects.

  • Why not have just one project? If limiting yourself to three projects makes you more effective, why not limit yourself to one project to make yourself even more effective?

You’d think this would be logical, especially as I recommended having just One Goal. However, the reality is that almost every project is held up as you wait for information, for other people to get back to you, for others to complete tasks, for vendors or clients to do something.
It’s rare that you can start a project and work on it until it’s finished, without any waiting. If this is possible, I suggest you do exactly that: Start a project and don’t work on anything else until the project is completed.
Unfortunately, that’s often not the case: We must wait for tasks or information or other things to be completed before we can move on to the next step. And so we multitask, but not on the task level—we multitask only on the project level.
While one project is on hold for an hour or a day or a few days, we can be working on another.

  • I’ve found that three projects work best for this type of project-level multitasking—any more than three, and you begin to lose effectiveness.

  • For this system to work, a project should take no more than a month to complete, and preferably only a week or two. If a project takes a year to complete (for example), then you will not be able to work on any other projects for a year. That’s too long to put the rest of your life on hold. Instead, break long-term projects into smaller projects that can be completed in a month or less.

Thanks for reading!


All pictures are from cn.bing.com/images



    本文标题:少的力量 (2)| The power of less(2)
