英语小课堂 | 【读名著,讲英文】《伊索寓言》| The Fis

作者: HellenJin | 来源:发表于2023-01-01 22:50 被阅读0次
    【同舟学院学习内容】 第二期
              The Fisher      渔夫

      A Fisher once took his bagpipes to the bank of a river, and played upon them with the hope of making the fish rise; but never a one put his nose out of the water. So he cast his net into the river and soon drew it forth filled with fish. Then he took his bagpipes again, and, as he played, the fish leapt up in the net. "Ah, you dance now when I play," said he.


    有一次,渔夫把他的风笛带到河边,吹着风笛,希望有鱼儿能升起来;但从来没有鱼把鼻子露出水面。于是他把网撒进河里,很快就拖出满满一网鱼。然后他又拿起了风笛,在他吹笛的时候,鱼开始在网中跳跃。“啊,现在你们终于在我演奏时跳舞了,”他说。"Yes," said an old Fish:“是的,”一条老鱼说:"When you are in a man's power you must do as he bids you."“当你被一个人掌控时,你必须按照他的吩咐去做。”


    1.cast sth. into sth. 把...扔/掷/抛/投/撒进...

    例:The moon cast a white light into the room.皎洁的月光洒进房间里。


    ① cast light on sth.


    例:The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct.        恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。

    ② cast a look, glance, smile, etc.


    例:She cast a quick look in the rear mirror.她迅速看了一眼后视镜。

    ③ cast an/your eye over sth.


    例:Could you cast an eye over this report for me?    你能帮我看一眼这份报告吗?

    ④ cast doubt/suspicion on sb./sth.


    例:New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.      新的证据让人们对判罚有罪的裁决产生了怀疑。

    ⑤ cast your mind back 回想;追忆

    例:If you cast your mind back, you might recall that I never promised to go.回想一下,你或许会记得我从未答应过要去。

    ⑥ cast around 四处寻找

    例:Fashion editors are always casting around for words to describe colours.


    2.draw sth. forth    拽出,拖出,引出,诱出;引起,唤起;博得

    例:The technology not only express human's hope of happy life, but also will brings heartfelt scare, and draw forth many problems. 基因技术既寄托了人类对美好生活的向往,也潜伏着人类最深切的恐慌,引发诸多的问题。


    ① draw sb.'s eye(s)/attention 吸引某人的注意力

    例:Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar.


    ② draw a comparison/distinction


    例1:She drew a comparison between life in the army and life in prison.


    例2:It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear distinction between the meanings of different words.有时很难明确区分不同单词的含义。

    ③ draw a conclusion 得出结论,推论

    例:I'd seen them together so often, I drew the logical conclusion that they were husband and wife.


    ④ draw to a close/an end


    例:As the evening drew to a close, people started reaching for their coats.  晚会即将结束的时候人们开始去拿自己的外套。

    ⑤ draw back  (通常指因惊异或恐惧而)退后,退缩

    例:She leaned forward to touch the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.


    ⑥ draw sth. up 起草,草拟

    例:I've drawn up a list of candidates that I'd like to interview.我草拟了一个想要采访的候选人名单。


    ① draw the line      绝不做

    例:I swear a lot, but even I draw the line at saying certain words.


    ② draw a veil over sth. 不提及,避讳(某个话题)

    例:Yes, well I think we'll just draw a veil over what went on last night.是啊,我想昨晚发生的事情我们就不要提了。

    ③ draw a blank    未能答复;毫无结果

    例:He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn't remember it.他向我要电话号码可我却没能给他——我把号码给忘了。

    3.leap up 跳起,跃起

    例:Hundreds and hundreds of salmons leap up the falls. 数以百计的鲑鱼跳向瀑布。


    ① leap to        跃至...,跃升至...

    例:Profits leapt to £406,000.利润跃升至406,000英镑。

    ② leap to sb.’s defence 快速提供保护/辩护

    例:He leaped to his friend's defence.他立即为他的朋友进行辩护。

    ③ leap at sth. 赶紧抓住,迫不及待地接受

    例:When I offered her the job, she leapt at it.


    ④ leap out at sb 立即进入(某人)的视线

    例:As I turned the page his picture leapt out at me.



    ① look before you leap 三思而后行

    例:Whatever you decide, it pays to look before you leap.


    ② a leap of faith


    例:It took a big leap of faith to decide to quit my job and try something new.


    ③ by/in leaps and bounds 非常迅速地

    例:Her Spanish has come on (= improved) in leaps and bounds this year.


    4.be in one’s power 在某人的掌控中

    例:The whole company is in Mr Lee's power.整个公司都在李先生的掌控中。


    ① be in power 当政,掌权

    例:How long has the Conservative Party been in power?保守党当政多久了?

    ② seize power 夺权

    例:The army seized power after five days of anti-government demonstrations.


    ③ power (sth.) up    (使)启动;(使)积蓄能量;(使)养精蓄锐

    例1:The computer takes a few seconds to power up after it's been switched on.


    例2:College baseball teams across the country are powering up for the new season.全国各大学棒球队正在为新赛季积极备战。

    ④ power through (sth.)


    例:This is a resilient company that has powered through the economic downturn and political pressure.



    ① the power behind the throne


    例:It is said that the vice president is the power behind the throne.


    ② do sb. a power of good


    例:He's been working too hard and some time off would do him a power of good.


    5.bid        vt. 问候,道别;告诉(某人做某事),吩咐,请求;喊价

    例:He bade (= asked) them (to) leave at once.他请他们马上离开。


    ① bid (sb.) good morning/farewell


    例:I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.


    ② bid for sth. 投标争取某物

    例:A French firm will be bidding for the contract.


    ③ bid (sth.) for sth. 为某物出价

    例:A foreign collector has bid $500,000 for the portrait.



    What am I bid? 诸位愿意出多少钱?(拍卖人用语)

    例:What am I bid for this vase? 诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱?


    "When you are in a man's power you must do as he bids you."

    解析:when引导时间状语从句,as引导方式状语从句,主句为you must do。Do as sb bids you是固定搭配,意为“按照某人的吩咐去做。”





    -THE END-



        本文标题:英语小课堂 | 【读名著,讲英文】《伊索寓言》| The Fis
