The distribution of the wealth is affected by a number of factors . The first largest Gross Domestic Production In the world is the USA. However just five percent of the population holds more than 70 per cent of the wealth in the country resulting in the majority of the citizens are poor.This reveals the problem of the distribution of the wealth .
The founder of Microsoft ,Bill Gates possesses over 10 billion dollars by managing the empire of the computer which provides the advanced technology and software services to the whole world.As a charitable celebrity he contributed the majority of his money to the charity and retired leaving the minority to his children to inspire them to depend on themselves. The size of the GDP is one of the segments to impact the living conditions.For instance India ranks the third location in its GDP which has lager wealth than Japan while its residents are poorer than Japan ‘s due to the fact that Japan has smaller population.
In China some famous stars as well as directors are billionaires because they are paid highly when they played the leading roles in the TV plays or in the blockbusters directed by the reputable directors.Consequently they earn both reputation and profit whereas the ordinary individuals just live the average living standards compared with the luxurious life style of the rich ,especially the peasants who work hard and even exhaustedly in the terrible conditions but they are paid at the lower wages.
But with the development of organic farming ,their income is increasing because the people are so focused on the food safety that they are willing to pay more to purchase the goods relatively expensive but healthy.This improves the farmers’ living quality.