双语医学 · 自由基与细胞损伤(上):生理、病理

双语医学 · 自由基与细胞损伤(上):生理、病理

作者: medisol | 来源:发表于2019-03-10 07:01 被阅读1次


【翻译】@尔墨 · 【校对】itsmelan


题图 © Osmosis




So what exactly is a free radical? It’s a chemical species with an unpaired electron in its outer orbit. One example, and probably actually the most well-known example, is oxygen. Normally oxygen’s got the 4 pairs of electrons here, but in a free-radical situation, it might GAIN an extra electron, so now you’ve got this one unpaired electron and we call this guy a free radical and it’s what causes all the trouble and potentially can cause cellular injury. Free radicals are generated both normally in physiologic conditions and abnormally in pathological conditions.



Physiologically, so we’re talkin’ like in normal conditions, it can happen during oxidative phosphorylation, which we know is this super important process in our cells to make ATP. During this process, you’ve got this molecule called cytochrome c oxidase, or sometimes it’s known as complex IV. This molecule transfers electrons to oxygen, and oxygen gladly accepts those electrons, and this in turn causes the mitochondrial matrix to pump protons out. And this creates our proton gradient and drives the production of ATP. So normally, for oxygen to be happy it accepts 4 electrons and becomes water.


But what if it doesn’t receive all 4? Well that, my friends, is when we get free radicals. Okay so if Oxygen grabs one electron, it becomes SUPERoxide, so O2 with a little dot for its extra electron. If it gets two electrons, it becomes hydrogen peroxide, and then 3 electrons, it’s hydroxyl radical, then finally if you get all four electrons you get water. So 1, 2, or 3 electrons is called a partial reduction of oxygen, so oxygen isn’t being reduced all the way to water, because remember that reduction is a gain of electrons, so in this case it’s only partial. And remember that this happens physiologically, in like normal conditions.



Also though, you can generate free radicals in pathological conditions too, so not normal conditions.

1. 通过电离辐射


One way is through ionizing radiation, and this usually generates a hydroxyl radical. And this’ll happen when the radiation sort of comes in and hits water in your tissue, so it hits the h2o right? And it knocks off an electron, and if so if you go backwards here from water, you’ll end up at the hydroxyl radical. And these hydroxyl free radicals are generally the most reactive, and so therefore probably the most damaging to your cells.

2. 炎症


Besides ionizing radiation though, Inflammation is another way though that you can get free radical generation. When you get an infection and neutrophils come by to fight that infection, there are two mechanisms they use to kill whatever microbe there is, oxygen dependent and independent. Oxygen dependent means you need oxygen right? So we can probably guess that oxygen’s involved! Usually this starts with what’s called an oxidative burst, where an enzyme called NADPH oxidase takes your oxygen and converts it to superoxide (O2-), and then it goes on to be eventually converted into bleach, or HOCL. But mainly our culprit for producing free radicals is gonna be this first step where NADPH converts oxygen to superoxide.

3. 和金属接触


Another way this can happen too is through contact with metals, and we’re usually talking about metals in the context of the body, so like copper or iron, right? Where they’re usually bound to something? One example something are called tranferrins, these proteins bind iron and sort of help you control the amount of iron in your blood. Why do we wanna make sure it’s controlled? Well because if it’s not bound, it can generate free radicals. A reaction called the fenton reaction allows iron to generate a free radical, usually the hydroxyl free radical, our most dangerous guy!


So let’s think about it in the context of some disease, like hemochromotosis. Where iron builds up, and you get serious tissue damage, like cirrhosis in the liver. The primary mechanism behind this is a buildup of free radicals! Similarly, in wilson’s disease, you there’s an excess of free copper, so copper that’s not bound. You also end up getting this tissue damage from free radicals.

4. 药物和化学物质


Finally, there’re drugs and chemicals that can produce free radicals. For example a drug like acetaminophen, which, like many other drugs goes to the liver to be metabolized. In the liver, the P450 system takes care of it, which is like this group of really important drug-metabolizing enzymes. This metabolizing though, can generate free radicals, and so when high doses of acetaminophen are taken, it can cause massive death of tissue in the liver, and this is mainly from free radical damage.



So how do free radicals injure cells? Well one big way is called lipid peroxidation. Meaning that they can sort of steal an electron from the lipids of cell membranes. Remember that they have this unpaired electron, so they want another electron to be its pair, so what can happen is it takes an electron from a lipid in the cell membrane, which leaves that lipid with an unpaired electron, and and then the same thing happens and it sort of propogates, which as you could imagine, hurts the cell membrane and damages the cell as a whole.


They can also oxidize both proteins and DNA inside the cell as well. Oxidation of proteins can obviously hurt the cell depending on the protein’s function, but oxidation of DNA is serious, and is a super big player in oncogenesis, or causing cancers, since cancers are formed by mutations of DNA. So if these free radicals oxidize DNA and introduce mutations, all the sudden your risk for developing a cancer goes up.

Meducal! 本期医理闪充结束啦~听说充满电;送大拇指儿、小钢镚儿、小花瓣儿的都是学仙~~咱下期见啦~~~我们的简书文集叫「Osmosis双语医学」



    本文标题:双语医学 · 自由基与细胞损伤(上):生理、病理
