D-1 摩登家庭口语笔记

作者: Susie_Ho | 来源:发表于2019-08-23 16:01 被阅读0次

       在科技高速发展的时代,过多依赖于电子技术的人或许大多都有一个通病,那就是:提笔忘字,开口忘词。即便在说母语或者写汉字的时候都会有如此情况,更何况在教育体制内学的英语。在英语这个外语的行当里,因为我们学校教育体制偏重于读写,而导致不在少数的部分人学了十几年英语后也只能读写,羞于开口,无法用英语交流。而我,亦是如此。所以我希望能解由Modern Family这部家庭生活美剧了解并且积累更多的美语口语知识,更好的实践,去听去说,不断学习。

Season 1

The 1st Episode



Yeah. Just a sec. (second缩写abbr.)

just a minute/ moment/ second (INFORMAL) used to ask somebody to wait for a short time:

e.g. --‘Is Mr Burns available?’ --‘Just a second, please, I’ll check.’

2. 一我们远在楼上你们喊也没用。发短信就行了。

一Why are you guys yelling at us when we're way upstairs? Just text me.


一All right. That's not gonna happen.

yell (v.): ~(out) (sth)~ | (sth) (at sb/sth) to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain 叫喊;大喊;吼叫

e.g. •He yelled at the other driver. 他冲着另一位司机大叫。

       •She yelled out in pain. 她疼得大声喊叫

(n.): a. a loud cry of pain, excitement, etc. 喊叫;叫嚷;大喊   [—note at shout]

e.g. •to let out/give a yell大喊一声

       •a yell of delight高兴的喊叫

b. ( NAmE ) an organized shout of support for a team at a sports event (为运动队加油的)呐喊,欢呼

all right (adj. & adv.): only just good enough 尚可;还算可以  [SYN OK ]

e.g. Your work is all right but I'm sure you could do better. 你的工作还算可以,但我相信你可以干得更好。

(exclamation.惊叹词): used to get sb's attention(引起注意)哎  [SYN OK ]

e.g. •All right class, turn to page 20. 好啦,同学们,翻到第20页。

【注】"all right"有以上两种词性,但是词义丰富,若想了解的更详细,请查阅字典。

text (v.): to send sb. a written message using a mobile phone/cellphone (用手机给某人)发短信

e.g. •Text me when you're on your way. 路上给我发短信吧。

       •Kids seem to be texting non-stop these days. 现在的孩子好像在不停地发短信。

(n.): [ U ] the main printed part of a book or magazine, not the notes, pictures, etc.(书籍或杂志的)正文,本文(并非附注、图片等)

e.g. •My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page. 我的工作是设计页面上的正文和图表。

[ C ] the written form of a speech, a play, an article, etc. 演讲稿;剧本;文稿

e.g. •The newspaper had printed the full text of the president's speech. 报纸刊登了总统演讲的全文。


3. 一你不能穿这套衣服出门

一And, wow! You're not wearing that outfit.

outfit (n.): [ C ] a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose 全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的)

e.g. •She was wearing an expensive new outfit. 她穿着一身昂贵的新衣裳。

       •a wedding outfit 一套结婚礼服

[ C+sing./pl.v. ] (INFORMAL) a group of people working together as an organization, business, team, military unit, etc.团队;小组;分队;军事单位

e.g. •a market research outfit 市场调查组

[ C ] a set of equipment that you need for a particular purpose全套装备;成套工具

e.g. •a bicycle repair outfit 修自行车的整套工具

(vt.): [ often passive: -tt- ] ~ sth/sb (with sth) ( especially NAmE ) to provide sb/sth with equipment or clothes for a special purpose 装备;配置设备;为…提供设备(或服装)

e.g. •The ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital. 这艘船配置了一所有12个床位的医院。

【注】在这句话中,不能直译成: 你没穿那套衣服。而需要在根据情景环境进行翻译。它想表达的是不能穿,而不是没穿,在这一集的下面剧情里就更能体现它的意思。

4. 一卢克又把头卡在栏杆里了

一Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.

banister (n.): ( /ˈbænɪstə(r)/ BrE also banisters [ pl. ] ) the posts and rail which you can hold for support when going up or down stairs(楼梯的)栏杆,扶手

e.g. •to hold on to the banister/banisters 紧抓住扶手

5. 一我在成长期间很皮

一I was out of control growing up.

out of control: [Also, out of hand ] a. Without response to manual direction or input.

e.g. •The machine started spinning out of control.

b. Reckless or wild; in an unruly or unmanageable state or manner.

e.g. •I'm sorry for the way I acted last night. I had too much to drink and got a little out of control.

•The real estate market in this city is totally out of control.


Day 1 Finished. Aug. 23rd 2019



    本文标题:D-1 摩登家庭口语笔记
