2019-10-09DBA 3
DBA end product: thesis, dissertation, academy approved, holistic not necessary就是明确结果要的是什么,学术要求,不需要整合的解决方案!但如果我只是为了做博士科研而做,不是爱好和有实际应用价值,对我就是浪费时间。
focus=narrow down=researchable所以要立题要窄再窄一些
now mapping stage, 2014-2019 theory mapping: select a segment three elements or one element in each segment, total 3如果不是整合解决方案,就要选择一个方案,纵深三个具体方向
level of analysis: individual not small group, organizational or national我选择的是个体,永远关注个人
wellbeing people make good business, no need approval 公司员工健康快乐必然商业成功,很多研究论证过,不需要我费事
how/can mindfulness improve individual wellbeing in working environment by mediation practices?一个窄的方向:工作中如何利用冥想练习提升个人健康快乐指数?
Can/how/why mindfulness practices by meditation improve individual wellbeing at work ?类似以上就是不同问法
How a mindfulness practics improve individual wellbeing through meditation?
How spiritual leadership, Buddhism, meditation practice on equanimity ....improve wellbeing at work?这个不同:佛教,冥想,灵修领导力练习,平等心可以提升工作中的健康快乐指数?
new theory, building relationship in different concepts!如果我可以建立理论之间关系,也是新的理论
why not in china, gap? why not younger generation?中国深入调查,为啥企业不重视员工健康快乐,为啥年轻一代不重视?
how to investigate and do research design?研究设计步骤
1. case study: companies, individual before and after 6 months in qualitative method可以是一家公司对于员工6个月考察,是否well-being有变化
2. questionnaires to see correlation in quantitative 问卷调查,之后量化分析
3. Field experimental: 50 workers, 25 holistic program 25 basic, before and after可以去公司里实际考核25个有整合方式25个没有整合解决方案的wellbeing结果
4. Interview people purely, content analysis in qualitative也可以就是面试,定性分析
5. Action research autograph ? 实际行动研究,自己介入
3rd concepts: leaders engagement, different mindfulness practices, business performance versus individual performance, wellbeing in segments physical, mental, spiritual 如果需要第三个dimension,就要考虑的几个可能性,这是基于只是两个dimension,关联太简单。
One note是个好用的工具,尤其画图。
epistemologies-academic conversation-research question-research design
open question more qualitative:how about, what if, qualitative
close question more quantitative: is it true?
lean research
not writing reality but build up theory
70-90K words total dissertation, no appendix.7-10 pages appendix
journal: wow, relevant
dissertation structure folders: LR, methodology, copy
google scholarship important
coloring: basic color, definition one color!!! highlight things to be read later.
writing a note for important paper
dominique: arguments 1, arguments 2.........
meta documents, zotero on note sorting, endnote, mendeley
Trint, transcription for qualitative research, time line for case study with key events
write hacks: monster documents: methods, literature, findings, discussion, last front end
hypothesis for quantitative only? citation
word 使用插入自动图文集
晚上去酒庄品酒,都是当地最好的view和酒,好在我的定力很好,和Dominique说去,但不喝酒,希望不要介意;真的体会到什么叫artisan制酒,宁可少也要高质量,coop一起卖酒控制价格,影片不仅美,而且感动至极,百年历史传承淋漓尽致,unesco酒庄, 老板各种工作自己动手,chaslas葡萄是当地最好的,每个酒我都闻一下,真的喜欢啊,但可以不喝,不喝酒,但喝葡萄汁也体会到质量高吧,L'etivaz cheese 非常好吃,我要了额外的一盘。
我和david路上讨论Vincent建议,几乎要改了,车上重新讨论,third dimension,David说服我回到原始,design case study,以下是David第一天给到的建议:
Gap of science not against science, 分开DBA和book;holistic approach没有benchmark(常规是什么),only pigments in research, 面试HR 5个,Why not doing so or like this over the others, reasons
21st Century learners, including the 5Cs: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration, Citizenship (global and local) and Creativity & Innovation.
indicators, matured market less organic growth companies, interview HR, CEO and employees, reality different