
GET comes from the Latin verb meaning "take, seize". Capture, which is what a captor has done to a captive. Captivate once meant literally "capture", but now means only to capture mentally through charm or appeal. But in some other English words this root produces, such as those below, its meaning is harder to find.
(1) The act of receiving;
(2) A social gathering where guests are formally welcomed.
# Although the reception of her plan by the board of directors was enthusiastic, it was months before anything was done about it.
To stop, seize, or interrupt (something or someone) before arrival.
# The explosives had been interrupted by police just before being loaded onto the jet.
Noticeable or able to be felt by the senses.
# Her change in attitude toward him was barely perceptible, and he couldn't be sure he wasn't just imagining it.
(1) Open to some influence; responsive.
(2) Able to be submitted to an action or process.
# She impressed everyone immediately with her intelligence, so they are now highly susceptible to her influence and usually go along with anything she proposes.
FIN comes from the Latin word for "end" or "boundary". Final describes last things, and a finale or a finish is an ending. But its meaning is harder to trace in some of the other English words derived from it.
(1) To keep (someone or something) within limits;
(2) To hold (someone) in a location.
# He had heard the bad news from the CEO, but when he spoke to his employees he confined his remarks to a few hints that sales had slipped.
(1) Authoritative and final;
(2) Specifying perfectly or precisely.
# The team's brilliant research provided a definitive description of the virus and its strange mutation patterns.
Having definite limits.
# Her ambitions were infinite, but her wealth was finite.
Extremely or immeasurably small.
# Looking more closely at the research data, he now saw an old pattern of changes so infinitesimal that they hadn't been noticed before.