I have a phobic of calling my surpervisor.When making phone calls to him, I get really nervous,not sure why ,just feeling anxious talking to him.

Sometimes, I will try to short message or email before calling,or I would rather email him than call him.Sometimes, I will consequently put it off as long as possible.I am not sure if it is the best time to call him.what if he is at a meeting or abroad?The day before yesterday, I finished my dissertation and I had to call him and see if he can approve me to graduate.Once I imagined the prospect of calling him,I started to feel panic and my heart get pounding and I am filled with dread and strssBefore I dial, I have to take a couple of deep breath,but still, I get so nervous that it is really a torture.
Actually I generally don't like talking on the phone to anyone,even to my family or friends.When i don't know how to respond, I will laugh, It makes me feel so stupid.I hate this feeling,making phone calls really bother me.
I know there are still many occasions that I have to make phone calls ,like calling to make a doctor's appointment and calling to follow up on a job application or like what I just said calling to get approvement of my supervisor.These are all necessary life tasks.So I have to.But Why calling someone make me so nervous?Why? Maybe I had a bad experience with receiving a critisizing cal from my supervisor for I hadn't written paper in two years and got yelled at that time. and now the thought of calliing him has become associated with stress and negativity.and I remembered , when I call him,he didn't answer or picked up and just said "I am at a meeting or I am abroad",so I am scared of interupting him.
How to get over phone shyness and nervous? Maybe before dial, I will try to write down what i am going to say before I call him next time.writing out what I want to say can takes away some unknown and make me more comfortable and less stress.Also, I will try to anticipate what his response mightbe,even the worst one.during the phone ,I will practice keep smile not laugh to calm nerves.For other occasions, i just need more practice ,like making appointment or ordering food.OK, I think I will go ordering me a cup of coffee to celebrating finishing this article^^