

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2018-11-07 18:33 被阅读49次

location: camp char dham thursday 25th Oct. 2018

Last night full moon meditation is incredible led by prem,Attended with Wim nicolay Julia and daniela:

我们看着明亮月亮,越仔细越感觉是个五角triangles,坐在prem凉台上,盖着3层scarf,新买了scarf确实智慧,开始时chanting,之后脉轮meditation,不同脉轮不同音乐和om不同音调,prem准备充分!完全没有suffering,没有寒冷也不困,full moon能量很高!感受到手指间和眉心的能量场,其他一切都很遥远不相关,最后站起来承接月亮能量到身体至上而下,之后传播给世界!


正是我在之前temple讲的信息和shiva使者:follow the spiritual path to help people in China and all over the world!


*A Mystical Ritual To Activate Your Chakras During The Full Moon*

In the physical world,some people consider the moon as just an object in the sky. But in the mystical world,the moon is so much more than that;it is magical.


A great time to set intentions and perform rituals is from the period of a full moon to a new moon. The full moon is a time for cleansing,releasing negativity and letting go of the physical,emotional,and spiritual baggage which no longer serves your higher self. This opens you up for the new moon’s energy,which fills your soul with new ideas,new beginnings,and a new way of viewing things.

Here is a mystical full moon meditation and visualisation exercise,to activate your chakras and help you bring forth your best self:

While looking at the sky on a clear night,begin to visualise the moon getting closer to you until you can hold it in your hands. Knowing that the moon is magical,begin to visualise the moon transforming into a crystal ball.


Now begin to relax your body and clear your mind. Feel the magic coming from the crystal ball and notice a tingling sensation within.

Visualise the energy from each of your seven chakras floating into the crystal ball and becoming brighter in colour.

Next,beginning with your Root Chakra visualise a red energy leaving the crystal ball and reconnecting to your spine. You are now experiencing a greater sense of feeling balanced and grounded.

Turn your focus to your Sacral Chakra and visualise a orange energy flowing from the crystal ball and circling around your navel. You are feeling limitless creativity and confidence.


Now,at your Solar Plexus Chakra,begin to visualise the yellow energy flowing from the crystal ball t  your stomach,filling you up with empowerment and strength.

As the colours continue to move and transform in the crystal ball,concentrate on your Heart Chakra. Visualise a loving green energy flowing from the crystal ball to your heart. As it penetrates your heart,you begin to feel love,happiness,joy and peace.

Now moving up to your Throat Chakra,begin to visualise a blue energy leaving the crystal ball and directly connecting to your throat. You begin to feel expressive,free,and all of your words flow with ease.


With your attention at your Third Eye chakra,visualise an indigo energy exiting the crystal ball and entering the area of your third eye. You begin to unfold new ideas,new thoughts,and become awakened and in tune to your psychic abilities.

You have now reached your Crown Chakra. Begin to visualise a purple energy flowing from the crystal ball to the crown of your head. As you connect to your higher self or higher power,you are feeling inspired and a newness of endless possibilities.

With the newfound feelings of abundance of excitement,you can now release the crystal ball. You begin to feel the energy transforming back into the moon and slowly drifting away into the sky.

Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Visualise each chakra and thank the moon for the cleansing and releasing of negativity,and for filling your soul with new beginnings and fresh perspectives.

我们10.30结束,in a good mood,顶着明亮月色回去睡觉,我因为晚餐时和Nicolay一桌说要建一个yatra2018 group我马上简单饭后会建好了,一是可以在meiditation前避免再吃东西,二是ego或者doer能量,我就宣布给camp晚餐的group之后email Robert,要把管理权交给他,但这增加了我的anxiety号召更多人加入所以回到tent我还在查看,倒也是一夜睡着过,凌晨被寒冷唤醒就开始迫不及待等4点可以起来瑜伽,这也是头天晚上N提到我开始和餐厅说要5点瑜伽,make sure他们开门,N remind me Frank,这也许是我比较close talk with him!他ecuardorian,在迈阿密教课,Sivananda Follower,推荐我ururaguay一个21天课程,this is for future when I back to New York to try!我们谈到alcohol和纽约生活各种尝试,他都有过!他也用了rubber band形容喝酒和戒酒的拉伸度,we will see!

朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖!

就这样4点起来,打坐15分,4.50出现餐厅里已经开门还是很冷,最保暖瑜伽一次,面对雪山,感觉不错,心想这种环境下可以瑜伽任何环境都可以,和雪地里跑步类似, 厨房里我督促他们masala tea,但练习当中没有喝,其他人没有出现我也无期望值,但dave 5点多到,很快结束,Stephanie之后来,我的standing up很不错,正好一直微笑的Grace出现让她给我照相留念,她超级认真一直照,基本6.15结束天已经亮了,面对雪山ashtanga感觉甚好,s的standing up非常轻松优美,我video了她,虽然yoga老师都很自我和个性, I的包不能放地上,T不能做bus后面,S必须自己箱子占满所有座椅,但他们都很健康正能量,起码有主观愿望和talk,我很喜欢这样一群人,但也是吃饭太多次,和任何group一起都如此!早餐还是美好的,听大家讲自己经历,瑜伽老师,世界各地旅行没有定所,要么就是纽约客定居bali,西雅图哲学教授没有社交媒体,昨天sara讲到自己男朋友练习太极,多才多艺和他分分合合很多年,她每天都用M,是个cheating method可以体验samathi,对我有一定吸引力,她遛狗去山上时或者室外运动会服用,但授课前不会;还是有一定纪律性的。


4.37还是困在路上,下次yatra我要的过几年再说,缓缓过程煎熬,一直听一个瑜伽行者自传,听完悉达多!上午temple 是比较commercial,pooja一结束我就村里逛去,连冥想都没有氛围!

之后就是颠簸路上,旁边Serbian lady一直心情抑郁投诉,我就试图认为她很难受吧!

朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖! 朝圣yatra11:满月的能量强大到打通所有脉轮!阿汤达人们各种怪癖!


6.30停下来休息,我第一个冲进去发现是junky food和冲泡茶就又出来找一些其他吃的,啥也没有一片漆黑,就又回去吃了很多fried potato,幸亏我的同桌有nuts,吃了很多,竟然如此hungury,肯定是anxiety,即使一直听“瑜伽行者的自传”到目前,一片漆黑,知道明天我们还是long drive!所以啊,yatra就是淬炼耐性,看你是否就范。


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