印度10: 人生最美好的事和最难过同时发生!杀人魔都被拯救了我却

印度10: 人生最美好的事和最难过同时发生!杀人魔都被拯救了我却

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2018-10-14 14:24 被阅读203次


    Did not sleep well maybe due to high energy caused by ashtanga and upside down, lay on bed, also see another lizard on top of me which gave me a bit horror thought. Then woke up 12.30, 1, 1.30, until 3.30 finally I can only get up, energy is still high without drowsy, maybe the content of the program, maybe I am just in good mental status.

    Maybe the practice has effect already or just away for longer period time, a lot of craving for comparison on success is not bothering me much; what others success is not something for me or viva, so just live up what we are and make better use of it for better wellbeing. Also G said one drinking problem president of India came to vipassana for 10 days then can not bear the smell of alcohol, I know champagne has no smell, but it is true sensation is what I am craving, in the past, might come back still, the quenching feeling and drowsiness afterwards.

    I rarely feel the lower legs and toes of each, which is area that I should work on more. It is much more real without clothes on for this meditation. The touch to the clothes make it easier.

    A vipassana center should be in the main city but not noisy downtown, people get access to it and it should be quite. I was thinking in SH where it can be, or I should go to the group place once; it will be great in Switzerland or upper state of New York, they might have already there.

    Certainly it is the one of best things I ever did, for the spiritual path. Which might be most relevant to daily life; we said this body and Brain is not us, consciousness only matters, but all the karmas are within the body and brain, which we have to come out of it.

    4 days to go, enjoy the best of it.

    Viva la vida wellness program/ offered by VIVA International academy

    How to get rid of your pressure

    How to increase the energy

    How to release the misery

    How to get rid of caving, aversion and ignorance




    早晨2小时又不容易啦,没有fan和多余衣服,身体部位感觉就不明显,而且我还有doubt,真如葛说的,这到底感觉是否对;又想到XW的事情和未来,我们很有可能都会在美国,要彼此照顾。随后也想,灵魂修行比啥老了在哪住重要得多,我的craving 是fame和与众不同,不管大众如何,我希望不一样,kalapas构成决定的,mind和body决定一个人命运,L案例就是如此,其实他自己都不相信自己狗屎运,所以破灭;不管如何不同生活取舍,如果价值观不同每次沟通过,都有无数欲望升起而非常不快乐,我修饰为realistic, 其实是调动了我的攀比心,craving for the same,永远没有穷尽。


    感觉身体并没有变化,每次观察它,但dhamma说身体一直都是变化的,看到它的无常和suffering,所以痛是必须的,如果消失了咋办? 今天早晨最后半小时有不明显的不舒适,找到它具体在哪里是个重点,并不明显。

    葛外表不是典型的guru,和sadhguru差别很大,但很像个Buddha, gutama 最后啥时间去世的?去了哪里? Eradicated karma 是理想,但要持续修行,10天只是个开始。葛讲到几个gutama故事,都是古老的故事,他开了一个meditation center,很多人会去学习:杀人魔,死了孩子女人和富商后来破产,但近代没听说啥例子,所以确实存在,不是杜撰的,这个是第三个问题:doubt,是否这个方法科学,是否适合自己,是否自己无药可救;我曾经到过那,起码会坚持练习,这个也是我的特性,可以坚持一件对的事情。







    这最后半小时好难熬,working on blind spots, 我的是耳朵,小腿和脚,可是不能纠结,但要感受到,好难啊;好在我是个对自己要求不严格的人,差不多就行,equanimously 我应该是擅长的,开始计数,还有三天就结束了,对比公司里的事,和这里的避世,我会选择哪一个?如果定位为灵魂修行,那这个更重要,有人会说:你净搞些没用的,或者我妈如是说。而我必须先搞清楚自己灵魂,才可以做其他事,其实这次谈到craving是我最大问题,非常有针对性,对所有人都如此,一切人间痛苦的来源。



    感谢创业,我有一个月时间在印度,奢侈得很,打工也没可能啊;所以葛讲的打油故事,3个孩子都把打油瓶装满摔碎了,一个说:半瓶没了,一个说:我救了半瓶,一个去打工,赚了钱买了半瓶补上;我是第二个,如果第三个,那岂不是craving again?caving is about something which is not there, but working hard to get it, it is practical; u never know u work hard but u still not get it, misery is coming.


    做管家或者义工必须陪着打坐,这就是专职打坐啊,我希望灵魂净化,但不能只打坐,还是要做些事情,凡俗里去purify the mind,确实瑜伽脑子还想很多事,打坐一分心就乱了,只能专注,确实purify the mind,而且相信对心血感疾病有帮助,多次无数次循环,反反复复,血管和堵塞都通了。



    考虑是提前去德里还是呆在这多一天,目前看来还是走吧,就是飞机和火车选择。我还真佩服J&T,可以做10次之多,这绝对要毅力。我是凡事尝试,取其精华,但不上瘾;除了喝酒和瑜伽。这个也许课程结束我会有变化? 每天听完葛讲话总是热血沸腾,第二天又下来,然后再上去,这就是infuence。我还在想他是否脱离轮回? Enlightened,开悟是否代表脱离肉身呢?




    In the path of dhamma: simple explained, benefit with it; experience yourself.

    Jesus: saying ignorant people they do not know what they doing.

    Devotion with wisdom, no expectation.

    All will change, the silver right younger brother gets said so, he benefits.

    Only 2 serious meditation days left, tks god!

    Sensation is the key to enlightenment, all can be Buddha who lives the true, see the nature.

    Ge encouraged to write about vipassana to let more people know this wonderful tool, I hope I am doing to that direction, so far it will scare people with weak heart.

    Rama rama, the name calling is egoism, Ge does not want his name being repeatedly chanting, which I can see from facility there is not much his remark, but in the class he is everywhere.

    I got agitated with the guy who is making noises, which I tried to tell myself he is sick and should be sympathized; but my shoulder is aching and I have some agitation coming out of it; I asked volunteer what I should do if I am disturbed, he said only acceptance. This is equanimity, I did not achieve it; I asked teacher, who told me I should focus on sensation, here and there, normally people lose it and now we should find it back.

    I got a bit down since I do not feel sensation much, which means I am so far away from liberation, might be all these alcohol and I want to get out asap. Ge said at the beginning already, it is 2 days plus 10th day which u would not do serious meditation, which I feel happy.  I have too much bondage which is difficult to break it, even the body with yoga more flexible but not sensible enough. The teacher asked me to go to see him lunch time tomorrow, I should be thankful, not thinking about my yoga practice much.



      • ZHOULI0503:有很多半懂不懂的地方,看的时候却很享受。关于身体的疼痛,我就是膝盖会出现右膝无原由的疼痛然后恢复,到左膝出现同样的感觉,是疼感的转移吗?还是要多关注自己。
      • 任真:不知道葛印卡是否已经脱离肉身,他自己不也说没有开悟吗?

      本文标题:印度10: 人生最美好的事和最难过同时发生!杀人魔都被拯救了我却
