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还有“太守醉也”的欧阳修,“把酒问青天”的苏东坡,更毋庸提“酒仙”刘伶,“酒鬼”李贺,“酒圣”杜甫。酒俗文化源远流长,甲骨文中就有迹可循。人类自从有了发酵技术就沉迷于酒精,这其中固然有社会文化因素,喜要喝酒(烹羊宰牛且为乐 会须一饮三百杯)、悲也要喝酒(抽刀断水水更流 举杯销愁愁更愁),但也许没有想到的是,饮酒成性还有生物学因素。看来酒也不是你想喝想喝就能喝,不想喝不想喝就能挥手bye bye,大步走开。
这个实验的巧妙之处在于:成功的模拟了酗酒作为一种病的临床表现和概率,也似乎找到了原因 — GABA转运体的减少。原来人生的好多选择都是虚假的,看似自主选择,其实爱好与否、甚至上瘾与否,早就写在我们的基因里。
Addicted or afflicted?
When my husband and I first started dating, we took a leisurely stroll along a river in southwest China one summer evening. It was one of those lazy, perfect summer dusks, with children calling out and laughing as they swam like fishes in the river, and the hot, somewhat humid summer air settled like a warm but breathable shawl about one's shoulders. We stopped by a food cart that sold shaved ice and cold beer and I bought one of each. As we sat on a bench overlooking the river and the last traces of the sunset, I offered him the bottle of teeth-punchingly cold and soul-refreshing beer, to which he said, "sorry, I don't drink."
I believe that was the singular shakiest moment of our entire courtship.
One year into our marriage, I made for him a bottle opener for Valentine's Day. On it was written, "Happy Valentine's Day! - From 'The Reason You Drink' ". I believe that this is true on multiple levels, and that a heartfelt thank you is long overdue.
I love my drinks on weekends, my glass of wine, my gin and tonic, my occasional beer, and even the rarer shots of Chinese baijiu. Personally I feel it makes the rest and celebration of the weekends more wholesome. I am far from alone in my love of alcohol. It appears that in 2016, 5 billion liters of the beloved Chinese baijiu was sold alone. However, while the love of alcohol is widespread (it is the oldest recreational drug, after all), it appears that we may have less of a choice than we think when it comes to how much we love it. For some people (approximately 15% of the drinking population), the love of alcohol develops into a bigger problem: addiction.
A team of Swedish and American scientists tried to model human alcohol choice and addiction in lab rats. After training rats to self-administer 20% of alcohol for about 10 weeks, they were then given mutually exclusive choices between alcohol and sugar water. Like humans, rats have evolved to have a "sweet tooth", and when given the choice, most quickly chose sugar over alcohol. The experiment was repeated multiple times, and scientists found that 95 out of 620 (15.3%) rats consistently chose alcohol despite having a sugar alternative. These alcohol-preferring rats doggedly continued to choose alcohol even when faced with strong deterrents. They didn't care if the alcohol was adulterated with quinine (a bitter drug) to highly aversive concentrations. They ignored the pain from an electrical foot shock every time they drank. They pursued the drink with no fear of consequences. In other words, they were addicted.
So what's different about alcohol-preferring (AP) rats? Are their brains somehow wired differently? Scientists took sections from different regions of the AP rats' brains and compared gene expression patterns to the same brain regions of the non-addicted rats. Interestingly, a lot of the differences were clustered in the amygdala. The amygdala is an almond shaped part of the brain known to be associated with emotional responses such as anxiety, aggression and fear, as well as memory and learning. One of the genes most affected was a GABA transporter, GAT-3.
GABA -gamma-Aminobutyric acid - is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It can reduce neuronal excitability, thereby decreasing stress and improving rest. When neurons fire, GABA is released into the extracellular space. It then needs to be cleared away from outside of the cells to create a sufficient GABA gradient in preparation for the next round of firing. However, no enzymes exist in the extracellular space to degrade GABA. Therefore, it must rely on transporters to relocate it back into the cell. Decrease of the GABA transporter GAT-3, as seen in the brains of AP rats, results in dysfunctional GABA clearance. Even more interestingly, when scientists manipulate the amount of GAT-3 inside the brains of non-addicted rats, these rats start showing a preference for alcohol over sugar! This suggests that low levels of GABA transporters might be the reason that AP rats became addicted in the first place.
Our daily activities and choices are dictated by both our bodies and our minds. We'd like to think that for non-survival-essential choices such as the pursuit of pleasure, our minds play a bigger role than our bodies. Certainly, we'd like to believe that we are not mere creatures controlled by the whims of the physical. However, this is not the first example that we have fewer choices in life than we'd like to think. A well known mind twister is the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which resides and breeds in cats but can infect both people and mice if they come into contact with cat feces. Mice make themselves scarce when they are in cat territory, but when they become infected by Toxoplasma gondii, they become fatally attracted to the smell of cats. Why? Because the parasite needs to make it back into its host in order to multiply and complete its life cycle. When humans get infected, the symptoms are harder to recognize, as the chances of any person being eaten by felines is infinitesimally small (now). However, when our primate cousins chimpanzees become infected, they become attracted to the smell of leopard urine, their only known predator in nature. So if you suddenly develop a love for scooping the litter, better think twice about whether your motivation comes from affection for your furry companion, or just a parasite twisting your mind!
The knowledge that some of our behavior is pre-written in our genes or in biology helps us in multiple ways. First of all it definitely lends us a tool to deal with unwelcome behavior. For example, in this case, elevating GAT-3 expression may alleviate alcohol addiction. Secondly, in this day and age, when we have progressed beyond judging people by their looks or socioeconomic status, but spare no mercy when it comes to judging people's life choices, perhaps it is important to recognize that some behaviors are rooted in pre-existing genetic and biological conditions. Of course, this cuts two ways. When we are the ones afflicted, knowing that we are biologically more susceptible may aid us in making wise decisions to err on the side of caution and exercise control when it comes to drinking. However, when those around us are affected, perhaps we should cut them some slack and admit that not all things can be controlled, despite our best intentions.
In Shakespeare's Othello, when the jealous Iago tries to persuade Cassio to drink while on duty, hoping to bring about his demotion, Cassio laments, "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking. I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment." I hope, for all our sakes, that when courtesy does invent it, we can all be free to choose it.
Eric Augier, Estelle Barbier, Russell S. Dulman, Valentina Licheri, Gaëlle Augier, Esi Domi, Riccardo Barchiesi, Sean Farris, Daniel Nätt, R. Dayne Mayfield, Louise Adermark, Markus Heilig. A molecular mechanism for choosing alcohol over an alternative reward. Science, 2018; 360 (6395): 1321 DOI: 10.1126/science.aao1157
(1) 关汉卿 《不伏老》
(2) 张岱 《四书遇》
(3) RAINER SPANAGEL Aberrant choice behavior in alcoholism. SCIENCE22 JUN 2018 : 1298-1299