复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 1

复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 1

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2020-01-15 22:03 被阅读0次

听完了《温夫人的扇子》第一幕,再回头看依旧是欢乐满满。还意外翻到了该剧的舞台剧版,不过还是广播剧更好听一些。精听了一遍,读了一遍算是结束了。温夫人的好友达灵顿先生和伯威克公爵夫人来访,或明或暗告诉她温德米尔先生貌似在外面有了绯闻(好吧,当事人永远是最后才知道),温夫人翻看了丈夫的账本,发现了果然丈夫拿钱给了欧林太太,于是两人发生了争执,而欧林太太的身份却是温夫人所不能知道的事情。整场配音相当出彩,包括配角Parker和Agatha的部分也非常的有意思。针锋相对的言语听起来极其过瘾,这部讽世喜剧(comedy of manners)真心推荐。

按照当时的笔记分别是词汇 、语句及段落 三部分进行的。



Bureau with books and papers(写字台),

at the Foreign Office(外交部),


paying me elaborate compliments (对我献不完的殷勤),




an imaginary instance(假设),

take the side of the(拥护,偏向),




depraved (堕落的,不可救药),

Such a pure taste(好纯的嗜好)


be infatuated about sb(被某人迷住了),


inadmissible into society(混不进上流社会),

be distressed about sth(为某事难过),




your mad infatuation(你鬼迷心窍,infatuation 迷恋),


chatter about sb(说某人闲话),

a happier, a surer life than she has had(更好更舒适的生活),



They came up from Selby this morning.(介词up)

You look on me as being behind the age.(赶不上时代)

Its purification is sacrifice.(人的净化要靠牺牲)

Ah, nowadays we are all of us so hard up, that the only pleasant things to pay ARE compliments. They're the only things we CAN pay.(这年头大家都闹穷,唯一可献的只有殷勤了)

Oh, nowadays so many conceited people go about Society pretending to be good, that I think it shows rather a sweet and modest disposition to pretend to be bad. Besides, there is this to be said. If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn't. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.(哦,这年头混在上流社会装好人的狂徒太多了,我倒认为,谁要是装坏人,反而显得脾气随和,性格谦虚。此外还有一点,你要是装好人,人人都把你当真,要是你装坏人呢?谁也不会相信。这正是乐观主义的愚蠢)

1,Because the husband is vile--should the wife be vile also?

2, Vileness is a terrible word, Lady Windermere.

3, It is a terrible thing, Lord Darlington.温夫人 :就因为丈夫下流,妻子也应该下流吗?达大人:下流这字眼太可怕了,温夫人温夫人 :下流的勾当才可怕呢,达大人。(哈哈哈哈)

It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.(把人分成好的跟坏的,本来就荒谬。人嘛只有可爱跟讨厌的两类。)

I think life too complex a thing to be settled by these hard and fast rules.

I couldn't help it. I can resist everything except temptation.(多经典的句子,我什么都能抵抗,除了诱惑)

Our husbands would really forget our existence if we didn't nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that we have a perfect legal right to do so.( ~)

about the game of marriage--a game, by the way, that is going out of fashion--the wives hold all the honours, and invariably lose the odd trick.(手里拿着两个王,结果还是输了牌)

Because I think that life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it.

Ah! you are beginning to reform me. It is a dangerous thing to reform anyone,(真理)

After all, there is nothing like Nature, is there?(有什么比得上大自然呢)

-plain, dreadfully plain, but so good-(相貌平庸,平庸的要命,可是是个乖闺女)

He is far too high-principled for that!(有原则)

I dismissed her at once without a character.(一封推荐信都没把她打发了)

And don't make scenes, men hate them!(不要大吵大闹。。。好家长里短)

Come and bid good-bye to Lady Windermere, and thank her for your charming visit.

But what I DO mind is that you who have loved me, you who have taught me to love you, should pass from the love that is given to the love that is bought.(丢掉献给你的爱情,捧起你买来的爱情)

Many a woman has a past, but I am told that she has at least a dozen, and that they all fit.(哈哈,太尖酸了)

--and although they never talk scandal, they--well, of course--they remark on it to every one(人的八卦心理)

that on several occasions after I was first married, I had to pretend to be very ill, and was obliged to drink the most unpleasant mineral waters, merely to get Berwick out of town(柏夫人的经验之谈啊)

Boys are so wicked. My boy is excessively immoral.

Are ALL men bad?

---- Oh, all of them, my dear, all of them, without any exception. And they never grow any better. Men become old, but they never become good

It was only Berwick's brutal and incessant threats of suicide that made me accept him at all, and before the year was out, he was running after all kinds of petticoats, every colour, every shape, every material.(进一步论证男人的本质)

The only thing to do is to feed the wretches well. A good cook does wonders, and that I know you have.(那些臭男人在外边吃饱也就回来了。(⊙o⊙)…好厨子妙用无穷,我知道贵府有的是妙招)

Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones. 哭,是庸脂俗粉的避难所,却是美人的致命伤。


Mayfair is by far one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in London. In the center of the city, it houses some of the best residences, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc. Extremely expensive, it is an area where luxury abounds. Worth visiting just to walk through and take in the beauty. Highly recommended for shopping and eating too. It also is home to some of the hottest nightspots in town.

-oh, the suggestion is monstrous!(这念头太不堪了)

But don't make chasm after chasm between us.

There is no answer!(温大人让管家送信说的最后一句话,意思为不等回信)

Misfortunes one can endure--they come from outside, they are accidents. But to suffer for one's own faults- ah!--there is the sting of life.(灾祸,一个人可以忍受,因为灾祸是外来的。可犯了错误却要自作自受—啊,那就是生活的创伤。)

you should not mention this woman and me in the same breath. It is an error of taste.(别相提并论,雅俗不分)

LORD WINDERMERE. How hard good women are! LADY WINDERMERE. How weak bad men are! (好女人的心肠真硬啊!坏男人的骨头真软啊!)

none of us men may be good enough for the women we marry--that is quite true(真理)


1 I came to ask you a great favour,

2I entreat you.

3 I beg of you.

4Ah, Margaret, do this for my sake;



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