复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 2

复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 2

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2020-01-16 23:05 被阅读0次

第二幕终于冰山的一角出现了。原来达灵顿大人对单纯的温德米尔夫人一直心怀爱慕,那一段表白真的听得人心潮澎湃啊,热烈的词真挚磁性的声音让小心肝颤两颤。另一方面当温夫人看到丈夫随着欧琳太太(That woman)在舞池中翩翩起舞时最后一根稻草塌了,悲愤之下,留下一封信出门去寻找达大人预备私奔了。。。囧,欧琳太太发现温夫人不见了,并发现了那封信,历史惊人的重演(原来欧太太是温夫人的亲生母亲,20年前私奔混得很差想要重新回归上层社会)。她骗过了前来寻人的温大人,可是她要怎么做,才能阻挡女儿要发生的悲剧呢?整部剧中人物对白很有意思,充满了各种社交套路。





Fanning herself.(挥扇)

have a cleverness(聪明)


Demmed nuisance(讨厌的要死)

clutch at(抓住)

sails into the room(翻译把sail译为了雍容地步入,或许是指优雅的姿态如同扬起帆一样)


Prince Doria's at Rome(罗马的杜利亚王府,网上查了下也称多罗亚王府)

We all know how you are run after in London.(你炙手可热,供不应求之类)

They are not nearly so exclusive in London as they are in Sydney.(exclusive指的是排外,这里指没有悉尼那么穷讲究身份,个人感觉翻译出来更有一种看低伦敦的感觉)

然后柏夫人在提起澳大利亚时也就用了这样的话:(Australia)What a curious shape it is! Just like a large packing case.However, it is a very young country, isn't it?(集装箱,新兴国家)

然后Hooper(尽管在追女爵的女儿)来了一句硬怼:Wasn't it made at the same time as the others, Duchess? (要论开天辟地,时间还不是一样的)。对话实在是太精彩了。

It must be so pretty with all the dear little kangaroos flying about.(好可爱的一句话,噗)

I hope she has a dance left.(留有一支舞)

Mind you take great care of my little chatterbox, Mr. Hopper.(话匣子,很形象的单词)

In a moment. [The music drops.](一会,后句表示音乐停了,表达好地道)

I'm worn to a shadow.(wear to 磨,词句指累惨了,很形象)

You have seen a good deal of her since then.

the women are very down on her.(骂她,瞧不上)

None of us men do look what we really are. Demmed good thing, too. (男人都太坏了。)

She's deuced clever,(聪明的要死,deuced强烈语气)


DUMBY. Good evening, Lady Stutfield. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season?

LADY STUTFIELD. I suppose so, Mr. Dumby. It's been a delightful season, hasn't it?

DUMBY. Quite delightful! Good evening, Duchess. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season?

DUCHESS OF BERWICK. I suppose so, Mr. Dumby. It has been a very dull season, hasn't it?

DUMBY. Dreadfully dull! Dreadfully dull!

MR. COWPER-COWPER. Good evening, Mr. Dumby. I suppose this will be the last ball of the season?

DUMBY. Oh, I think not. There'll probably be two more. [Wanders back to LADY PLYMDALE.]

The world has grown so suspicious of anything that looks like a happy married life. (凡是看起来幸福的婚姻,总会受到大众的质疑)

1A wife should trust her husband!

2 London is full of women who trust their husbands. One can always recognise them. They look so thoroughly unhappy. I am not going to be one of them.(温德尔顿夫妻两人的问答实在是太精辟了)

I knew the time would come some day; but why to-night?(我知道总会有着一天的)

MRS. ERLYNNE enters, very beautifully dressed and very dignified. (着装优雅,姿态高贵,这个句型很漂亮!)

How charming your sweet wife looks!Quite a picture!(这一幕中的恭维话那是相当多,不过这里是真心赞美)

I am afraid you're faithless.(变心)

Cowards are always pale!

He thinks like a Tory, and talks like a Radical, and that's so important nowadays. He's such a brilliant talker, too.(思路想保守派,谈吐却像激进派)

What a bore it is to have to be civil to these old dowagers! But they always insist on it!(真无聊,又不得不敷衍那些当家老女人,她们就讲究这一套,哈哈)

Haven't got the slightest idea! Looks like an edition de luxe of a wicked French novel, meant specially for the English market.(根本不认识,像是精装本法国风流小说,专向英国销售)(邓比一会就自打自脸了。其实这里也有揶揄的味道,好像早期英国很瞧不上法国的那一套所谓浪漫,风流之类的情感态度和文化)


Why don't you ask me how I am? I like people to ask me how I am. It shows a wide-spread interest in my health.(格瑞安的不正经跃然纸上) My father would talk morality after dinner. I told him he was old enough to know better. But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better,they don't know anything at all.(噗!我父亲一吃完饭就满口仁义道德,人上年纪就该知好歹,反而是什么都不知道了!油腔滑调)Hallo, Tuppy! Hear you're going to be married again; thought you were tired of that game.以及后一段加到这里Have you been twice married and once divorced, or twice divorced and once married? I say you've been twice divorced and once married. It seems so much more probable.




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    本文标题:复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 2
