
作者: 福州翻译Ivy | 来源:发表于2018-10-03 14:50 被阅读38次




    后面的sumptuous return to form格外值得玩味。sumptuous豪华的、奢华的,修饰return to form重振旗鼓,便可以表示华丽回归,言外之意也就是这部电影大获成功。

    Black ink drips from the tip of a brush and daggers into clear water, spiraling out like smoke. 


    墨汁从笔尖滴落,如匕首般划入清水中,如烟雾般旋转散去。dagger查到的更多是名词性,匕首,这里作为动词,像匕首般刺入。很是形象。spiral旋转,后面多跟介词或副词,像烟雾般spiral out,墨汁在水中渲染散开,画面感很强。

    Rain mottles the sky to a heavy watercolor gray, forming pools on paving stones into which warriors bleed. 

    mottle及物动词,使……斑驳,使……呈杂色,这句话可以背下来,回头用于描写雨天,灰蒙蒙的天空下着雨,转化为,雨使天空呈现出厚重的水墨色,mottle the sky to...

    forming是伴随状语,into which定语从句,bleed into 鲜血滴入……铺路石板上是一个个小水坑,盛着武士们的鲜血。

    Every supremely controlled stylistic element of Zhang Yimou's breathtakingly beautiful "Shadow" is an echo of another, a motif repeated, a pattern recurring in a fractionally different way each time. 


    其实breathtaking形容词本身就能够形容美,比如大家这几天如果有出游计划,订的酒店海景房,房间窗外的景色美得令人窒息,The view from my room is (absolutely) breathtaking. 或者My room has breathtaking views.当然breathtaking这个词也可以表示令人惊讶的,比如昨天我带孩子去海洋馆,人很多,就遇到有游客光明正大的插队,我认为这就是an act of breathtaking rudeness令人昨舌的粗鲁举动。


    be an echo of another,彼此呼应。echo这个词要灵活记忆,原意是回声,既然是回声,说明二者之间比较相似,继而引申为呼应、共鸣。比如下次当我们看到某个公众号的十万+文章,我们就可以说,这篇文章在某个人群里引起了共鸣,this article finds an echo among...这个词还可以表示remind sb. of类似含义,比如这几天玩得很开心,总让我想起过去的幸福时光,These days have echoes of past happiness.

    motif可以表示书、电影、美术作品等的主题,主旨,中心思想,可用repeated, recurrent等词修饰,反复强调的、反复出现的主题,爱情是泡沫剧中反复出现的主题,love is a recurrent motif in soap operas.

    After 2014's semi-autobiographical "Coming Home," which had soul but little spectacle, and 2016's "The Great Wall" — all spectacle and no soul — it seemed that the Himalayan peaks of the revered Fifth Generation filmmaker's career might now be behind him. 


    After(状语) 2014's semi-autobiographical "Coming Home," which(定语从句) had soul but little spectacle, and 2016's "The Great Wall" — all spectacle and no soul (插入语,与前面的定语从句结构相似,但省略了which had)— (以下是主句)it seemed that the Himalayan peaks of the revered Fifth Generation filmmaker's career might now be behind him. 

    spectacle 壮观的景象,这里可以理解为电影里的大场面。Himalayan peaks可以表示一个人事业或人生的巅峰,巅峰be behind him,意思很好理解,巅峰已经是过去时了。

    Most strikingly, in styling the locations and costumes almost entirely in black and white, but shooting in color, Zhang, famous for his lantern reds and golden yellows, gives the whole film a monochromatic sheen.

    style此处是及物动词,表示将某事物设计成某种风格,相比于design,style更侧重于具有某种特定的风格,比如女生很喜欢去做头发,做头发一般是要做一个发型出来,have their hairs styled。

    in black and white还有一个引申义,白纸黑字,以书面形式,proof in black and white书面证据。

    give the whole film a monochromatic sheen,赋予了整部电影单色调的质感。



