
作者: 井底蛙蛙呱呱呱 | 来源:发表于2017-10-20 10:14 被阅读416次


1. view


Usage: samtools view [options] <in.bam>|<in.sam> [region [...]]

-b  默认输出sam格式文件,该参数设置输出bam格式
-h  默认输出的sam格式文件不带header,该参数设定输出sam文件时带header信息
-H  只输出header部分
-S  默认情况下输入时bam文件,若输入是sam文件,则最好加该参数,否则有时候会报错
-u  该参数的使用需要-b参数。默认情况下会对输出的bam文件进行压缩,设置此参数后不对文件进行压缩,能节约时间但是需要更多的磁盘空间
-c  不输出比对结果,仅仅打印匹配上的结果的总数。常常和'-f','-F','-q'联合使用
-t  File 使用一个list文件来作为header的输入,该文件中包含序列的id和长度
-T  File 使用序列fasta文件作为header的输入
-o  File 将结果输入到文件中,默认输出到标准输出
-f  INT 比对结果中必须要包含的flag,相当于一个过滤条件
-F  INT 比对结果中不能包含的flag,数字4代表该序列没有比对到参考序列上,数字8代表该序列的mate序列没有比对到参考序列上
-q  INT 允许的最小比对质量
-? 给出更多的帮助信息,包括flag的解释


$ samtools view -bS a.sam > a.bam

$ samtools view -bF 4 a.bam > a.F4.bam

#提取paired reads中两条reads都比对到参考序列的比对结果,只需要把两个4+8的值12作为过滤参数即可
$ samtools view -b -F 12 a.bam > a.F12.bam

$ samtools view -b -f 4 a.bam > a.f4.bam

$ samtools view a.bam scaffold1 > scaffold1.sam

$ samtools view a.bam scaffold1:30000-40000 > scaffold_30k_40K.sam

$ samtools view -T genome.fasta -h scaffold1.bam > scaffold1.h.sam

2. sort


Usage: samtools sort [-n] [-m <maxMem>] <in.bam> <out.prefix>

-m  设置运行内存大小,默认是500,000,000(即500M,支持K/M/G缩写)。对于处理大数据时,如果内存够用,可设置大些,以节约时间。
-n  设定排序方式,按short reads的ID排序。默认下是按序列在fasta文件中的顺序(即header和序列从左往右的位点)
-l  INT 设置压缩水平,0(未压缩)--9(最佳压缩)

-@  INT 设置使用的线程数


$ samtools sort a.bam a.sort

3. merge


Usage: samtools merge [-nr] [-h inh.sam] <out.bam> <in1.bam> <in2.bam> [...]

  -n         Input files are sorted by read name
  -t TAG     Input files are sorted by TAG value
  -r         Attach RG tag (inferred from file names)
  -u         Uncompressed BAM output
  -f         Overwrite the output BAM if exist
  -1         Compress level 1
  -l INT     Compression level, from 0 to 9 [-1]
  -R STR     Merge file in the specified region STR [all]
  -h FILE    Copy the header in FILE to <out.bam> [in1.bam]
  -c         Combine @RG headers with colliding IDs [alter IDs to be distinct]
  -p         Combine @PG headers with colliding IDs [alter IDs to be distinct]
  -s VALUE   Override random seed
  -b FILE    List of input BAM filenames, one per line [null]
      --input-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
               Specify a single input file format option in the form
               of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
  -O, --output-fmt FORMAT[,OPT[=VAL]]...
               Specify output format (SAM, BAM, CRAM)
      --output-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
               Specify a single output file format option in the form
               of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
      --reference FILE
               Reference sequence FASTA FILE [null]
  -@, --threads INT
               Number of additional threads to use [0]

4. index

很多时候都需要索引文件的存在,特别是显示序列比对的情况下。比如samtools tview,gbrowse2等。

Usage:samtools index <in.bam> [out.index]

$ samtools index a.bam

5. faidx


Usage: samtools faidx <in.bam> [...]

$ samtools faidx genome.fa 
 第三列代表第一个碱基的偏移量, 从0开始计数,换行符也统计进行。第四列表示除了最后一行外, 其他代表序
列的行的碱基数, 单位为bp。第五列表示行宽, 除了最后一行外, 其他代表序列的行的长度, 包括换行符, 
在windows系统中换行符为\r\n, 要在序列长度的基础上加2。

$ samtools faidx genome.fa chr1 > chr1.fa

6. tview


Usage: samtools tview <aln.bam> [ref.fasta]
输入'r',开启或关闭read name的显示

7. flagstat


Usage: samtools flagstat <in.bam>

$ samtools flagstat a.bam
187018343 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)  #总reads数
280885 + 0 secondary  #不知道
0 + 0 supplementary  #不知道
0 + 0 duplicates  #重复reads的数量
186439767 + 0 mapped (99.69% : N/A)  #比对到参考基因组上的reads数量
186737458 + 0 paired in sequencing  #paired reads数据数量
93368729 + 0 read1  #read1的数量
93368729 + 0 read2  #read2 的数量
180901328 + 0 properly paired (96.87% : N/A)  #正确地匹配到参考序列的reads数量
185855190 + 0 with itself and mate mapped  #一对reads都比对到了参考序列上的数量,但是并不一定比对到同一条染色体上
303692 + 0 singletons (0.16% : N/A)  #  一对reads中只有一条与参考序列相匹配的数量
2828852 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr  # 一对reads比对到不同染色体的数量
1367179 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)  #一对reads比对到不同染色体的且比对质量值大于5的数量

8. depth


Usage: samtools depth [options] in1.bam [in2.bam [...]]
   -a                  output all positions (including zero depth)
   -a -a (or -aa)      output absolutely all positions, including unused ref. sequences
   -b <bed>            list of positions or regions
   -f <list>           list of input BAM filenames, one per line [null]
   -l <int>            read length threshold (ignore reads shorter than <int>) [0]
   -d/-m <int>         maximum coverage depth [8000]
   -q <int>            base quality threshold [0]
   -Q <int>            mapping quality threshold [0]
   -r <chr:from-to>    region
      --input-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
               Specify a single input file format option in the form
               of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
      --reference FILE
               Reference sequence FASTA FILE [null]

The output is a simple tab-separated table with three columns: reference name,
position, and coverage depth.  Note that positions with zero coverage may be
omitted by default; see the -a option.

$ samtools depth a.bam | less

9. rmdup


Usage:  samtools rmdup [-sS] <> <output.bam>

  -s  对SE reads去除重复。默认情况下只对PE reads去除重复
  -S  将PE reads作为SE reads来去除重复

$ samtools a.bam b.bam

10. 一些其他有用的命令


Usage: samtools reheader [-P] in.header.sam in.bam > out.bam
   or  samtools reheader [-P] -i in.header.sam file.bam

    -P, --no-PG      Do not generate an @PG header line.
    -i, --in-place   Modify the bam/cram file directly.
                     (Defaults to outputting to stdout.)

$ samtools reheader -i in.header.sam out.bam 
$ samtools reheader in.header.sam in.bam > out.bam


Usage: samtools cat [options] <in1.bam>  [... <inN.bam>]
       samtools cat [options] <in1.cram> [... <inN.cram>]

Concatenate BAM or CRAM files, first those in <bamlist.fofn>, then those
on the command line.

Options: -b FILE  list of input BAM/CRAM file names, one per line
         -h FILE  copy the header from FILE [default is 1st input file]
         -o FILE  output BAM/CRAM

idxstats 统计一个表格,4列,分别为"序列名,序列长度,比对上的reads数,未比对上的reads数",最后一排则显示没有比对到任何一条序列的reads number。

chr1 195471971 6112404 0
chr10 130694993 3933316 0
chr11 122082543 6550325 0
chr12 120129022 3876527 0
chr13 120421639 5511799 0
chr14 124902244 3949332 0
chr15 104043685 3872649 0
chr16 98207768 6038669 0
chr17 94987271 13544866 0
chr18 90702639 4739331 0
chr19 61431566 2706779 0
chr2 182113224 8517357 0
chr3 160039680 5647950 0
chr4 156508116 4880584 0
chr5 151834684 6134814 0
chr6 149736546 7955095 0
chr7 145441459 5463859 0
chr8 129401213 5216734 0
chr9 124595110 7122219 0
chrM 16299 1091260 0
chrX 171031299 3248378 0
chrY 91744698 259078 0
* 0 0 0

11. mpileup

使用samtools的子命令mpileup分析参考序列上的每个碱基位点的比对结果,并生成VCF/BCF格式文件,BCF是VCF的二进制文件。再使用Bcftools对VCF/BCF格式文件进行SNP/Indel calling。其中,Bcftools是附属于samtools的程序。

Usage: samtools mpileup [options] in1.bam [in2.bam [...]]

Input options:
  -6, --illumina1.3+      quality is in the Illumina-1.3+ encoding
                          #碱基质量格式为Illumina 1.3+打分方式
  -A, --count-orphans     do not discard anomalous read pairs
  -b, --bam-list FILE     list of input BAM filenames, one per line
  -B, --no-BAQ            disable BAQ (per-Base Alignment Quality)
  -C, --adjust-MQ INT     adjust mapping quality; recommended:50, disable:0 [0]
  -d, --max-depth INT     max per-file depth; avoids excessive memory usage [250]
  -E, --redo-BAQ          recalculate BAQ on the fly, ignore existing BQs

  -f, --fasta-ref FILE    faidx indexed reference sequence file
  -G, --exclude-RG FILE   exclude read groups listed in FILE

  -l, --positions FILE    skip unlisted positions (chr pos) or regions (BED)
  -q, --min-MQ INT        skip alignments with mapQ smaller than INT [0]
  -Q, --min-BQ INT        skip bases with baseQ/BAQ smaller than INT [13]
  -r, --region REG        region in which pileup is generated
  -R, --ignore-RG         ignore RG tags (one BAM = one sample)
  --rf, --incl-flags STR|INT  required flags: skip reads with mask bits unset []
  --ff, --excl-flags STR|INT  filter flags: skip reads with mask bits set
  -x, --ignore-overlaps   disable read-pair overlap detection

Output options:
  -o, --output FILE       write output to FILE [standard output]
  -g, --BCF               generate genotype likelihoods in BCF format
  -v, --VCF               generate genotype likelihoods in VCF format

Output options for mpileup format (without -g/-v):   #不使用-g/-v参数时有效
  -O, --output-BP         output base positions on reads
  -s, --output-MQ         output mapping quality
      --output-QNAME      output read names
  -a                      output all positions (including zero depth)
  -a -a (or -aa)          output absolutely all positions, including unused ref. sequences
Output options for genotype likelihoods (when -g/-v is used):   #当使用-g/-v参数时
  -t, --output-tags LIST  optional tags to output:
  -u, --uncompressed      generate uncompressed VCF/BCF output

SNP/INDEL genotype likelihoods options (effective with -g/-v):      #SNP/Indel 基因分型参数
  -e, --ext-prob INT      Phred-scaled gap extension seq error probability [20]
  -F, --gap-frac FLOAT    minimum fraction of gapped reads [0.002]
  -h, --tandem-qual INT   coefficient for homopolymer errors [100]
  -I, --skip-indels       do not perform indel calling
  -L, --max-idepth INT    maximum per-file depth for INDEL calling [250]
  -m, --min-ireads INT    minimum number gapped reads for indel candidates [1]
  -o, --open-prob INT     Phred-scaled gap open seq error probability [40]
  -p, --per-sample-mF     apply -m and -F per-sample for increased sensitivity
  -P, --platforms STR     comma separated list of platforms for indels [all]
      --input-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
               Specify a single input file format option in the form
               of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
      --reference FILE
               Reference sequence FASTA FILE [null]

Notes: Assuming diploid individuals.


1. '.'代表read比对到参考基因组正链上
2. ','代表比对到参考基因组负链上
3. 'ATGCN'表示正链上的不匹配
4. 'atgcn'表示在负链上的不匹配
5. '*'代表模糊碱基
6. '^'代表匹配的碱基是一个read的开始;'^'后面紧跟的ascii码减去33代表比对质量;这两个符号修饰的是后面的碱基,气候紧跟的碱基代表read的第一个碱基
7. '$'代表一个read的结束,该符号修饰的是其前面的碱基
9. 正则式'-[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+'代表在该位点后缺失的碱基

使用Bcftools进行variation calling


Usage:   bcftools [--version|--version-only] [--help] <command> <argument>


 -- Indexing
    index        index VCF/BCF files

 -- VCF/BCF manipulation
    annotate     annotate and edit VCF/BCF files
    concat       concatenate VCF/BCF files from the same set of samples
    convert      convert VCF/BCF files to different formats and back
    isec         intersections of VCF/BCF files
    merge        merge VCF/BCF files files from non-overlapping sample sets
    norm         left-align and normalize indels
    plugin       user-defined plugins
    query        transform VCF/BCF into user-defined formats
    reheader     modify VCF/BCF header, change sample names
    sort         sort VCF/BCF file
    view         VCF/BCF conversion, view, subset and filter VCF/BCF files

 -- VCF/BCF analysis
    call         SNP/indel calling
    consensus    create consensus sequence by applying VCF variants
    cnv          HMM CNV calling
    csq          call variation consequences
    filter       filter VCF/BCF files using fixed thresholds
    gtcheck      check sample concordance, detect sample swaps and contamination
    mpileup      multi-way pileup producing genotype likelihoods
    roh          identify runs of autozygosity (HMM)
    stats        produce VCF/BCF stats

 Most commands accept VCF, bgzipped VCF, and BCF with the file type detected
 automatically even when streaming from a pipe. Indexed VCF and BCF will work
 in all situations. Un-indexed VCF and BCF and streams will work in most but
 not all situations.

Usage:   bcftools call [options] <in.vcf.gz>

  -V, --skip-variants <type>      skip indels/snps
  -v, --variants-only             output variant sites only
  -c, --consensus-caller          the original calling method (conflicts with -m)
  -m, --multiallelic-caller       alternative model for multiallelic and rare-variant calling (conflicts with -c)
  -o, --output <file>             write output to a file [standard output]
  -O, --output-type <b|u|z|v>     output type: 'b' compressed BCF; 'u' uncompressed BCF; 'z' compressed VCF; 'v' uncompressed VCF [v]



