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Some people believe that the spending on the development of technology for space exploration is not justifiable. They believe there are many beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Although space exploration is considered as an event of innovation, creativity and discovery that are facilitated by space technology, the funding on the development of technology for space exploration is a contentious issue with both enthusiasts and detractors arguing over its justifiability.
Opponents to space exploration generally object to it on grounds of expense, essentially arguing that the vast sums involved in funding space exploration far outweigh any of the associated merits. They will often say that the money could be better spent on health, social care, and infrastructure and so on. However, my viewpoint is that space exploration has provided significant benefits to human beings. Discoveries related to space exploration have promoted the improvements in medicine, transportation, public safety, and environment etc.
To begin with, exploring space has assisted the medical field a great deal. As a result of space exploration, advancements have been made in the medical field, such as the device that can detect breast cancer before it spreads too far. Space exploration has also led to the creation of small artificial heart pumps and laser eye surgery, which are beneficial to the whole world.
Furthermore, space exploration has resulted in the improvement and invention of transportation and safety devices, including GPS navigation systems, various cordless tools, smoke detectors and flame-resistant clothes and so forth. Most of these appliances were first used in space exploration and then later modified to be widely applied in day-to-day life. In addition, space exploration technology is accountable for the creation of very many environmental friendly items like rainwater purification appliances.
All in all, space exploration is worthwhile because it offers numerous benefits, which range from medical and scientific breakthroughs to educational and commercial gains. Therefore, I approve of the standpoint that the development of technology for space exploration should be continued at all costs.
(303 words)
注: 图片为上班途径马銮湾时在校车里拍摄的风景。