诗歌入门-Billy Collins-诗词翻译

诗歌入门-Billy Collins-诗词翻译

作者: 青澄青果 | 来源:发表于2019-07-21 16:01 被阅读33次

    Introduction to Poetry

    By Billy Collins



    I ask them to take a poem

    and hold it up to the light

    like a color slide

    or press an ear against its hive.

    我建议  人们举起一首诗歌

    去凑近灯光  就像一张

    彩色幻灯片  来细细端详


    蜂房  聆听微妙嗡鸣的声响

    I say drop a mouse into a poem

    and watch him probe his way out,

    or walk inside the poem's room

    and feel the walls for a light switch.

    要么扔进一只老鼠  看它如何

    从诗的谜丛里找着出路  跌跌撞撞

    要么干脆自己    走进诗的小屋

    窸窸窣窣寻着墙上开关  找回灯的光亮

    I want them to water-ski

    across the surface of a poem

    waving at the author's name on the shore.

    我希望人们    穿越

    诗开阔的水面    来个精彩的

    水上冲浪    冲着岸上诗人的名字


    But all they want to do

    is tie the poem to a chair with rope

    and torture a confession out of it.

    They begin beating it with a hose

    to find out what it really means.

    不过人们满脑子只想着  捆它

    在椅子上  五花大绑

    撬开它的嘴巴  坦白思想

    人们开始鞭挞它  遍体鳞伤

    要弄个明白  诗  究竟是怎样



        本文标题:诗歌入门-Billy Collins-诗词翻译
