We improved the economic structure to raise the quality and efficiency of economic development. A shift from fast growth to sound growth was a fundamental change in the priorities of China’s development in the past decade. We took strategic adjustments of the economic structure as the main task of shifting the growth model, and raised the quality, expanded the scope and bolstered the momentum of development.(以上翻译都来自韩刚《90天攻克catti笔译三级》)
economic structure 经济结构
strategic adjustments 战略调整
sound growth 好的发展
fundamental change 根本性改变
priorities of China‘s development 中国发展导向
growth model 发展模式
raise the quality 提高发展质量
expand the scope 拓展空间
bolster the momentum of development 增强发展后劲
1. 中文的表达有时会省略掉主语,比如第一句。因此我们翻译的时候得找到隐藏的主语,并补充出来。这里使用了we,个人觉得使用We比用China指代更清楚。
2. 第二句的翻译和中文原句的结构变化较大,主语改变了,从中国发展导向变成了变化。内在关系没变。
3. 后面三个并列短句的翻译,除了第一句,后两句都采用的意译。比如,后劲被翻译成momentum-势头。