

作者: 微凉_Elena | 来源:发表于2019-02-15 23:15 被阅读13次

He said this with such hatred that Oliver woke up from fear. In front of him, at the open window, so near he could almost touch them, were Fagin and the strange, wild man he had bumped into outside the pub in the town. In a flash, they were gone Oiver sat still, white with terror. for a second, then shouted loudly for help.


Harry and Dr Losberne came running, and hearing what had happened, they rushed outside into the night and searched the garden and the fields around. There was no sign of anybody.


'It must have been a bad dream, Oliver,' said Harry, breathless after running through the fields. He had heard all about Olivers past from his mother.


'No,'replied Oliver, still frightened.' I saw them both as plainly as I see you now.'


Nothing more was seen or heard of the two men, and after a few days, the event was forgotten. Rose recovered rapidly and was soon able to go outside again. Harry Maylie waited a few days. then, as his mother had expected, he asked Rose to marry him. And as his mother had warned him, Rose refused.


'Don't you love me?' he asked her, holding her hand.


'I do,' she whispered, 'but please try to forget me. It would ruin your future as a politician if anybody found out about my birth. I could never, never forgive myself.'


Harry paused for a few minutes. 'Tell me one thing, dear Rose. Could you have accepted if your past had been different? Or if I had been poor and friendless, with no hope of riches or success?'


'I could,' answered Rose, covering her face to hide her tears. 'But as you are, I can never be more than a friend to you.'


'I shall ask you once more,' said Harry softly. 'In a year's time or less, I shall ask you to change your mind.'


The girl shook her head and smiled sadly. 'No, it will be useless.'


Harry left the next day, having asked Oliver to write to him secretly with news of his mother and Rose. From an upstairs window, Rose watched him leave with tears in her eyes.


Mr Bumble was now a married man and not a happy one. He was no longer a beadle but the manager of the workhouse, and his wife, formerly Mrs Corney, scolded and argued with him day and night. One evening, after a particularly violent fight, when she threw things at him and chased him out of the house. he went for a walk alone through the town. He felt very sorry for himself, and finally went into a pub to find comfort in gin-and-water. A tall dark man, sitting in the corner, watched Mr Bumble while he drank. The stranger's clothes were dusty and muddy, as if he had travelled a long way. Mr Bumble began to feel uncomfortable at the man's hard stare, and tried to avoid meeting his eyes.


'I've seen you before,' the stranger said, eventually. 'You were the beadle here.'


'I was. But I don't recognize you.'


'It doesn't matter. I came here to look for you, and I'm lucky to have found you. I'd like some information.' He pushed a couple of coins across the table.


'What information? ' asked Mr Bumble suspiciously, slipping the coins into his pocket.


'About a workhouse birth. A boy called Oiver Twist.'


'Young Twist! I remember him! He was a dreadful――'

“小特维斯特!我记得他,他是个折磨人的―― ”

'It's not him I want to tallk about,' interrupted the stranger. 'I've heard enough of him. It's the old woman who was the nurse for his mother. Where is she?'


'Oh - she died last winter,' said Mr Bumble. Then he remembered that his wife had been there when old Sally had died, and he realized that this information might be worth something. He told the man that one woman had been with the nurse when she died, and had heard some secret from her.


'Where can I find this woman?' the stranger asked quicky, showing in his pale face how important this was to him.


'I can bring her to meet you tomorrow.' said Mr Bumble.


'All right, Down by the river, at nine in the evening.' The man wrote the address on a piece of paper.










