诗词西韵 (19) Colorado (永遇乐 游克罗拉多州)
振公子 (2018 年 5 月 16 日)
The magnificent hills breathe out fresh breeze.
The towering peaks stand tall like pine trees.
The winding path leads to the mountain top,
Where vapors of the Bear Lake turn into fog.
There lies a fairyland, circled by the road
On which tourists near and far take a stroll.
A tourist attraction has it become,
Where skiers always spend all of their income.
To the north the great Platte River winds down
Through thousands of valleys, nourishing towns
Where tribes live over millennial years,
Carving their life-style into souvenirs.
To the south stand the breathtaking red rocks.
May the cliff be home to tigers and fox?
Legend has it God made it a paradise,
Can the memory of rocks tell it twice?
The Olympic training center is a place
Where Phelps and Ledecky start’d their race.
The Final-Five shone among the gym stars.
All these new legends dared to set the bar.
Centuries later, they’d become long gone.
In the Red State the sun'll still rise at dawn.
永遇乐 游克罗拉多州
振公子 (2017 年 6 月)
地势雄奇,气机神秀,峰立如簇。曲径幽寒,平湖水暖,仙境来时路。旅游胜地, 滑冰去所,雪水湍流东渡。越千山,芸芸民众,保留地里独处。
注释:美国克罗拉多州(Colorado), 州名来自color red, 又称红州,因其山红岩石居多。有个洛基山国家公园,山高雪厚。山顶上有个天湖,叫熊湖(Bear Lake), 湖水清澈见底,雾气升腾。普拉特河 (The Platte River) 从落基山脉 (the Rocky Mountain) 向北流,向东汇入密苏里河,密苏里河在圣路易斯市汇入密西西比河,南流到墨西哥湾。 沿途很多北美印第安土著保留地。往南两小时是克罗拉多温泉市(Colorado Spring),有个美丽的上帝花园和著名的奥林匹克训练中心,曾培训过美国游泳牛人飞鱼(Michael Phelps), 姬蒂(Katie Ledecky) 和体坛五霸(美国女子体操队) 。
(文字和图片来自振公子原创,版权所有©, 总第0282号。)
