
作者: 平说家庭教育 | 来源:发表于2018-11-02 13:38 被阅读4次

“平说英语  第一期 勤奋专注

Life is an odyssey(艰辛的跋涉)                                                  By Zhiping Zhao

We were born to be ordinary travellers of this odyssey - a stunning(绝妙的), unforgettable but wearing(令人疲倦的) journey. When our journey closes with glory(荣耀) and fulfillment(成就), we have shaped our life with the grater(打磨器) of hard-working and wisdom.

Zhao Yu,a chief technician at Beijing Benz, has shaped his life the way he wanted and covered his unfinished journey with sweat. Being a creative boy, he explored the technology world at a very young age, making dozens of inventions and outstripping(超越) every other boy at the same age in the science field. While he worked as an ordinary worker at Beijing Benz, he taught himself computer and English, so he could read English materials on cars. Hard technical problems can never be left on his desk unsolved. Beijing Benz, impressed by this ordinary worker, promoted him and recognized his achievements with generous awards.

This is a story of an ordinary person, who doesn't possess the sweeping(影响广泛的) power, unparalleled(无与伦比的) wisdom or any other fabled(传奇的) imagination. But, in no less degree, Zhao's dream inspires us with its ordinary but uncommon strength, a strength can be felt in every city, every town and every village of China. 





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