

作者: 外贸连 | 来源:发表于2015-12-17 11:38 被阅读81次

Not long ago, luckily, I visited customers from Thailand which enjoys a reputation as “nation of smile”. Their attentive and considerate reception impressed us a lot. As a saying goes, courtesy demands reciprocity, how can we make Thailand guests feel at home? I will share my tips!

接待细节需知 ****Reception details need to be known

Before receiving, you can know their company and their own names in Thai in advance, preparing their name tag in Chinese and Thai because people always are sensitive to their mother tongue so customers may much appreciate us.

Lead customers to the bathroom, especially for those who have a long journey; when they arrived, we are accustomed to lead customers to the conference room or office, in fact, you can timely ask customers whether they need to go to the bathroom which shows your concern to them.

Check up the real-time exchange rate, and provide a calculator.

If both sides need to use a laptop, then please prepare multifunctional power strip and different interface conversion cables, to prepare for different types of computer.

饮食习惯需知 ****Eating habits need to be known

During the reception, you should timely add drinks and ice; since Thailand is a Southeast Asian country, by the influence of tropical monsoon climate, they like adding more than half a cup of ice whether they drink water or tea. If possible, please prepare ice or iced drink! Certainly, a number of snacks are also necessary. You can put it in front of customers’ seats in advance. In fact, a lot of foreigners prefer to use a straw when using glass. So you know what to do!

In addition to the favor of sweet and sour, Thai people also like seafood. In our opinion, seafood meal with taste of Chaoshan, Fujian suit them. Hence, when having dinner with Thai customers, if there is no Thai restaurant nearby, you can choose some from Chaoshan and Fujian. If not, you can choose McDonald or KFC. Considerately, you can prepare Thai sweet chili sauce!

嘿嘿~以上招数都用上,保证你本次生意谈的妥妥的 ,说不定还可以建立长期的友好合作关系呢!连粉们若是成功,请报答阿连以榴莲么么哒!
Your negotiation must come to an good result if you use the above tips, perhaps you can even establish long-term friendly relations of cooperation! If you succeed, just give me a “榴莲” (durian) because I am “阿连”!




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